We just turned on the news while we get ready to go out to milk the cows and heard that a 15-yr. old died driving a go-cart out into the road just above the school. The odds that it will be one of the kid’s friends are very high. Alan is after all 16 and knows kids who own go-carts who live on that road. It is a small rural road.
It is the next to the last day of regular school and our gang is looking forward to getting the regents exams behind them and getting on with whatever summer the weather is going to allot us this year. It is not going to be much of a summer for some folks near here though. So sad.
Of Childhood
6 hours ago
I always flinch when I hear a newscaster start talking about ayoung person involved in an accident. Comes with the territory I guess.
I love your header picture - is it apple blossoms?
Hi Marti, that is one drawback to small town life...the bell almost always tolls for you or someone you know.Liz knew one of the boys involved and the other kids knew of them. Terrible time at school today I guess. Really tough on the teachers too.
Thanks, it is pear blossoms on our very prolific pear tree.
Been there too many times in 18 years of teaching. Very painful.
FC, I can't imagine how it must be for a teacher when one of these tragedies occurs. Seems like every year along about the time summer vacation, graduation and all the end of year excitment arrives something terrible like this happens. One of our dearly favorite of all time teachers was in his classroom yesterday offering what he could to those who needed it and was almost in tears himself as he talked to the crowd of kids that gathered. I have always admired him and do even more so now. As far as the kids know, this was just a terrible accident, a hilly road, kids trying to get across on a low-profile vehicle, a car showing up at just the wrong time. Awful
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