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Sunday, July 09, 2006

The One I Drove

The big red tractor, with the big red chopper, with the big red wagon is the one I drove yesterday.


Deanna said...

Sounds like a busy day!

Anonymous said...

...well, it's no Leopard tank...


It may have been a busy day, but it sounds productive!

Thanks for the "Blogroll"!

Anonymous said...

Ah, the memories! I, too, gradually stopped doing field work as my kids took over. But your post brought back all sorts of buried thoughts and forgotten events -- including the satisfaction of bringing in the feed!

threecollie said...

Hi Cubby, yeah, I was planning on gardening, but how could I say no, when my son asked if I would help.
Matthew, I am still looking for that tank...we have found a couple of small ones, like a Scout for around ten thou...lol
Hi Nancy, I'll bet you don't miss the breakdowns! Man, it is always something!

Wil said...

Boy, that brings back memories. Not to pick at a scab or nothing, but did you folks ever get any corn planted this year? Between your weather and ours, it seems like it has rained the entire time since mid-April. I know it hasn't... just feels that way, sometimes.

Wish there was something I could do to help.

threecollie said...

Hey there Wil, yeah we got a little less than half of the least amount we need planted. It looks terrible and probably won't amount to much. The rain has washed all the nutrients out of the soil. Pretty ugly.
Thanks for the kind thoughts!

KarbonKountyMoos said...

Oh & we wish that we could take some of your rain!

threecollie said...

Hi Karen, I wish we could send you some. While people who lost everything beg the government to help them, more flooding is predicted for today.