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Thursday, August 03, 2006


Anonymous said...

I have to say it...

I always get a giggle out of those who need to say publically, "I disagree with you so I'm never going to read your stuff again!" and then they give you a link with the comment...

#1: Thanks for the traffic.

#2: If you ignore everyone you have a disagreement with, you must be VERY lonely or a cult leader.

Gee Willikers! A wee touchy, eh?

Anonymous said...

Gosh, didn't know I'd stumbled into a minefield. Just wanted to say hi! LOL

Anonymous said...

Threecollie, you made some thoughtful points in both your posts and your replies in the comments sections.

I read Podchef's post, and the comments on it, twice. He also has some thoughtful and valid points, but I had difficulty getting past both his attack on you and his nasty phrases to sort out what he was saying. I think that his real problem is with CGFI & Co. If that's so, he would have been much more effective to say so.

I was once approached by a sustainable agriculture group, as they wanted to use my contact with local dairy farmers to push their agenda. I was somewhat interested in their concepts, so I asked what practices dairy farmers could incorporate to move in the direction of becoming sustainable. They were seriously affronted and declared that it was all-or-nothing. So it was nothing.

Your reasonable approach to these debatable matters always provides us readers with information and opinions that broaden our understanding and poke at our complacency.

Anonymous said...

I've had the same thing happen a time or two. Post something that steps on somebodies preconceptions and they up and leave. Opening the mind to new ideas and viewpoints is scary but necessary at times. Keep up the good work.

threecollie said...

Hello Matthew and thanks for the support. He later wrote some very sensible and well-reasoned thoughts in response to my comments. I was glad to know that he wasn't talking about me when he mentioned "Fat-subsidized-lardy Asses".

Sorry about that Marti...and hi. Everyone should visit Marti's blog for the jokes (not that the rest of her material isn't great). I always ended up gasping for breath from laughing so hard whenever I stop by.

Hi Numberwise and thanks. I actually think many organic practices are wonderful. Cows do live better lives out to grass than standing on concrete all day and there is nothing like well-tended soil with a high organic material content for growing great vegetables. Eggs from hens that eat bugs and grass taste better than those from cage hens, that sit in store coolers for what seems like decades. My problem with recent trends in organic foods is largely the evangelical aspect that the advertising has taken on. Much of what is touted as the gospel according to mother nature is simply not supported by a single shred of scientific evidence.

threecollie said...

Thanks, Sarpy Sam, that means a lot coming from you. I try to be kind of a mild mannered metropolitan reporter, but some things just get me going.

Anonymous said...

....here's one for ya in the "Negative Posting Things" my wife Sue just ran across on a blog...

I won't give the URL or blogger's addy, but they went on a tear taking a lot of people to task... then added this... (after complaining about "mommy blogs"...)

I hope your ugly green bus burns to the ground as you sleep at night.

Hee hee hee! I'm not worried, nor offended... actually, I'm kinda of amused... as I said to Sue, "Hey, at least he's seen the blog!"

Glad you're fella there ended up bringing up better points!

Carina said...

Threecollie, that's a shame he's been so....what's the word....intolerant? Valid points on both sides, certainly - but shutting out anything that might challenge one's views sure doesn't encourage further learning.
Matthew, better to provoke strong emotions than to have people go ho hum and move on without reading your blog! :) I've read yours & liked it. He's probably jealous LOL.

threecollie said...

Hello Carina. I can't say too much. I am working hard on teaching myself not to overreact when I feel strongly about something....and I am older than dirt. lol