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Thursday, August 31, 2006


You can't imagine how happy I am to find Northview Diary back where it belongs. Last night it went bye-bye and was replaced by an error message. I was surprised to realize how much it means to me to write here, to "talk" to my friends and put my scattered thoughts in order. Due to lack of space and general personal disorganization many of my photos are only here. Not that they are all that spectacular, but I sure would hate to lose them. Ouch.


Anonymous said...

Know that feeling of losing your page. Glad it "came back". I'm feeling much better, thanks for the note. Armywife takes good care of me. It doesn't hurt that the doc prescribed some strong drugs too.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back .. :)

Anonymous said...

Glad you're back... figgered it was a "beta bug" that got ya... but glad nothing major was lost!

carina said...

Phew! I'm certainly glad you didn't disappear.
That happened once to me, and it made me think I should back up stuff on my blog somehow. Hate to lose some of it!

Ontario Wanderer said...

I too am glad that you are back and I am glad that I can tell you. The other day, when you were complaining about the BetaBlog I found that I could not reply.

threecollie said...

regular guy, thanks and glad you are feeling better. Hope all that rain down your way isn't doing too much damage.

sue..thanks so much. I missed it

Mathew, thanks, me too

Carina, I do have a sort of scrambled up mess of back ups, but nothing usefully organized. Don't really know HOW to back the darned thing up.

Ontario Wanderer, sorry you couldn't comment. I have been having the same problem with a lot of blogs, not all blogger either. Don't know what the problem is.

Anonymous said...

Hear, hear. I was so upset when I couldn't get your blog, but figured it was whatever you said you were unhappy about the day before. Welcome back and I think you're really talented with what you do with your blog. Just posting pictures on it or even operating your digital camera are skills I would love to have. Glad you're back.

threecollie said...

Wow, thanks Karen, you are really kind. The camera is easy and it is the camera that does the good pictures. I was amazed how nice it took pictures with little effort on my part.