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Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Citation R Maple

*Bull Calf*

He is about five minutes old in this picture and was standing up looking for his first breakfast about twenty minutes later. (Now if only he had been a heifer.) His mama, Eland, has had ten calves even though she is only ten years old. (Normally, she might possibly have had eight in that time.) This is because she has had two pairs of twins, one set of bulls and last year twin heifers, which we named Epic and Etc.
Her oldest living daughter, Egrec, is expected to have her first calf in February. Epic and Etc have the same sire so all three are full sisters, by a bull we once owned named Foxfield-Doreigh NB Rex. He was a son of the famous Ned Boy bull. I am sorry to get a bull calf, but delighted that so far old Eland is looking pretty good, standing up and eating (and licking her new baby of course). She didn't like the camera much, which is why the photo is so poor. I wanted to get out of the manger and leave her alone.


Paintsmh said...

Why oh why did she have to have a bull? Darn it.

Anonymous said...

just to irritate you ishki...

Anonymous said...

Now he'll grow up always knowing that he's not wanted :(

Just kidding.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry it was a bull, but I hope the cow continues to do well. That's quite a calving record!

threecollie said...

Sorry paints...and he is so smart and such a cutie too

Irritates me too anon!

Hi joshua, poor little bully, nobody loves him but his mama, lol

Hi nw, thanks, I guess that is about all you can ask of a cow as old as she is.

Unknown said...

Hey threecollie, it is a beautiful calf.

threecollie said...

Hi floyd and thank you.