Wait a minute. It's not over yet!
Weekend, storm rips up section of barn roof, making a big mess of steel and boards. The hay mow is now rather drafty.
Monday, deer cutting and Christmas tree raising. Blacksmith to trim horses' feet.
Tuesday, wrote the Farm Side early, did the books and banking. Takes me about two hours to spend the milk check these days.
Wednesday, insurance adjuster, milk tester, grain truck and Select Sires rep. We bought another rack of Rain, because two out of three kids picked him out of the young sires line up. Set Tom looking for some Four-of-a-Kind Eland for us too. My sweet little Erin that was killed this summer was by Eland and I want to try to breed another one. We also had the old semen tank filled with nitrogen. If it hasn't sprung a leak we are going to give it to a good friend who has helped us out in many major ways over the years. He fed cows for weeks when the boss had his appendix out a few years back and really bailed me out with fixing silo unloaders and such. We will throw in some semen from our own bulls too. Some of them have turned out pretty good and he can use them for clean up if he wishes. Cleaned house too, including shaking out door mat and sweeping mud off porch.
Thursday, cats deposit large, eviscerated, very dead, rat on nice clean door mat. Thanks guys, I love you too. High school Christmas concert tonight. The boy sings in chorus and bangs on various implements of percussive pain in concert band. I love the choral part of the deal. However, the band instructor loves complicated, hard to play and intensely boring music, so I will spend that part of the show trying to decide which of the mops of blond hair on tall boys at the back belongs to my tall blond boy, and which to his pseudo-twin, Pat. (They have convinced one of their friends that they actually are twins despite Pat being six inches taller and living a couple miles down the road. Amazing what underclassmen will believe.)
Friday, wait a minute! I don't have a darned thing scheduled for Friday, except taking Becky to college and getting some groceries. Whoopee!!!!!
Of Childhood
10 hours ago
Dead eviscerated rat better than live one doing harm. This goes into column of "good things."
Hi Jan, I absolutely agree. Turns out it was old Stormy who brought me the gift and she brung me another one yesterday. This time I caught her at it and encouraged her to take it with her when she went back out to the barn. Sharing is good and all but still....lol
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