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Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Hawk Day

I think this must have been hawk day. First, in the half light of dawn, a Coopers hawk hurtled out of the gloom beside the heifer barn, hot on the tail of something medium-sized and dark...either a starling or the lone male brown-headed cow bird that has been hanging around. Don't know if he caught him, but they sure weren't picking any berries.

Then when I took the dogs out for a run this afternoon I heard the distinctive cry of a red-tailed hawk. Whenever you hear a hawk or eagle cry on television it is usually the call of the red-tail that is used. I looked up over the old orchard in the horse pasture and the pair that nests here was sailing in lazy circles, just above the trees and calling out to one another. Beautiful!


Deanna said...

I love birds (thanks to my dad who always pointed them out and talked about them), and I really enjoy when you describe what you see. There are mostly city birds around here...

threecollie said...

Thanks cubby, I love having them around too. They bring an otherwise barren landscape alive...and there is always the possibility of seeing what my brother calls an "ooh-ah" bird, something really rare and special.

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

Hi. It is not uncommon for Red Tail Hawks to soar the airwaves above my home. They truly are beautiful. This whole area where I live has a lot of hawks as well as Bald and Golden Eagles, and Ospray. We truly are blessed.

One drawback, though, to having them so close to my home... occasionally chickens go missing, and I think it's likely thanks to the hawks.