***1453: Coffee is introduced to Constantinople by Ottoman Turks. The world's first coffee shop, Kiva Han, open there in 1475. Turkish law makes it legal for a woman to divorce her husband if he fails to provide her with her daily quota of coffee.***
I have been gently (and intermittently) enjoying the Outlander series of books for some months now. I read perhaps a chapter or two each day, with a marathon every Sunday afternoon. (On a normal non-Outlander Sunday, I polish off at least two books, but these are really, really BIG). They are vastly entertaining and thought-provoking too and I like 'em.
A lot. I am most grateful to find an author I enjoy who has written a plenitude of material because I am always running out of book before I run out of interest. These books are teaching me a great deal, as one part or another sends me searching the Internet to find more details on dozens of topics. (I also dream of Jamie and Claire as if they were friends or family members...not sure what that is all about, but I don't mind it.)
Reading about the American colonists in such detail fired up my curiosity about just how coffee found its way around the world. (After all, since it is such good stuff; we should surely comprehend its origins). This timeline tells the tale pretty well.
***The above quote should serve as a warning to husbands even if they don't come from Turkey. Don't mess with the lady and her coffee! (Or get between her and a good book!)
Art Photo - January 22, 2025
36 minutes ago
Mmmmm... Coffee and books!
I appreciate the internet research you do and the links you provide. I keep learning things that I wouldn't go looking for!
Hi NW , I have been having a great time with the reading of these. I think you would like them....they are dual purpose books, what with serving the usual entertainment purposes, all the while building up your arm muscles holding them up to read them.
HAHAHAHA! On the coffee thing. Darn right, too.
I have never heard of that author, hmmm, looks interesting. I've made a mental note to look next time I go to my favourite used bookstore (probably today, actually.) I'm a huge reader, always have been. Thanks for that tip!
I've heard of the Outlander books... I think I might have one or two. Need to read more *paper* and less computer screen.
I laughed out loud and had to read the coffee quote to DH. Loved it! I am a major caffeine addict!
Hi carina, yeah, that cracked me up too. First thing in the morning...dogs out-coffee in.
My family, a favorite aunt and a very nice brother, loaned me the books and I have been a couple years in reading them as I had to wait my turn for various volumes. I am now finishing the last one, but missed the third.
Caroline..I was amazed to read the long history of coffee and glad I looked it up. That is one thing I have really enjoyed about the Outlander books is that they constantly amaze me and make me run to look things up because I flat don't believe them.
Good morning!!
I thought the first Starbucks was in Turkey earlier than the date reported... wasn't that why Noah parked the Ark on Mt. Ararat to grab a cuppa java? (they were pretty sick of "sheep tea"!!) It took him so long to decide his brew order the boat was dry docked when he came back out?
Hah, very good Boomer.
I wonder if the coffee was how he stayed awake long enough to build the ark in the first place.
OMG, Jamie and Claire! I remember reading those books a couple of years ago. I remember being on the sofa, finishing Dragonfly in Amber. As soon as I turned the last page I got up, got my keys and drove to the store...bought Voyager and went right back to the sofa! I did not collect $200 and I did not pass Go!
That is a GOOD series! I wish I could read it all over again for the very first time.
BTW, your blog is great. I love reading about farmlife. I don't know how you do it all!
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