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Friday, July 06, 2007

I felt a bit bereft

As I came over from the barn after milking tonight a raspy, buzzy, fluffed up family of just fledged wrens chattered at me from the bushes. Bah, I thought. Our front porch songster's family, in the pillar, has grown up now and we will miss our all day front hall concertos. Mr. Wren even goes down inside his pillar home and sings INSIDE it! I love listening to him.

I was thinking how much we would miss his singing as I came to the garden pond. And there, on the wire that brings electricity into the house, he swung, singing his heart out at the sunset. Guess we have TWO wren families. What largess!


Anonymous said...

Oh, we have the same setup. Only our nesters have flown the coop, nowhere to be heard.

threecollie said...

Hi AMWD, I am sure they are going to leave any day now and I will surely miss the singing. Mr. Wren was still singing in the front door at nine last night. There is a two story tall entryway there, which serves as quite an ampilifier. You would be amazed how many birds take advantage of the volume boost that it offers.

Cathy said...

This is so neat. As I'm typing here in Chatham, there's a house wren singing his heart out just outside the window. I swear!

Did you know these little fellows have been known to practice polygyny?

Regardless. I'm so glad you've still got Wren music.

threecollie said...

Hi Cathy, I didn't know that...thanks. I wonder if the other bunch belongs to him too. No telling I guess. I can't believe this family is still inside the pillar, but I am enjoying them as long as they stay.