Two folks generously nominated me for this, but I am too tech-thick to know how to duplicate the graphic. I will just say thanks and that everyone in my blog roll has taught me things. Shared their lives and homes and thoughts with me. Introduced me to their families and friends and pets and livestock. Helped me understand their part of the world better than before...and become valued friends, even though I have only met them in print.
You are supposed to pick ten other bloggers to whom to pass this on, but I never was much one to follow the rules. I just can't choose ten favorites from the 30-odd blogs in the side bar not to mention those of my family (some of them are pretty odd too).
I like 'em all. I read 'em all, almost every day. So here's to all of make me smile.
Of Childhood
6 hours ago
Dear Marianne, I am looking for a retirement home in the Northeast for my QH and two mini sheep. Marti L on Twitter thought you might know where to look. I can be emailed at laura at pistachio consulting dot com. Thanks in advance for any advice you might have! The QH is 23 and the sheep are babydoll(teddybear)/tunis crosses. All are very sweet, easy keepers. Currently in Roxbury, VT. I live near Boston. Thanks!
Hi laura, I am flattered that Marti thought of me, but right now I don't have any ideas....they sound like lovely animals though. Thanks for asking.
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