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Tuesday, October 02, 2007

What is wrong

with this picture?

I guess I need to be clearer. I have some great answers, but I specifically mean what is wrong with the picture itself.

***Answer in the comments. First to get it right will get a post with a link tomorrow.*


Paintsmh said...

I already know. Or I could be the lucky first caller, so to speak...

threecollie said...

Um, yeah, I told you so it really doesn't count. lol

Breezey375 said...

can i answer huh huh huh? me is super smarts...

Stacy said...

I have no idea, but can I ask...what is it with the cows in England? It seems like they have so many outbreaks of different diseases.

threecollie said...

Beez...same answer goes for you

Stacy, I am not sure what is up with the bluetongue, but a government lab released the foot and mouth. I sure hope they intend to compensate the poor farmers for the devastation they have caused.

Anonymous said...

And there is an interesting (and scary) item in the news tonight -- that since 2003 there have been more than 100 accidents and missing shipments at American labs that handle deadly germs. Since 2004, the number of labs has doubled. I'm not sure I'm comfortable with our government having such dangerous toys.

Anonymous said...

The eartag hole shows how easy those eartags can be lost, even by goofy looking cows.

threecollie said...

NW, that kind of thing makes me nuts. Why can't people do their jobs...and why are they moving the disease research lab from Plum Island to the midwest?

Lee, you got it!! GB has a very restrictive animal id program, but their cows lose tags just like ours do....I can't give you a link though, because I don't have one. lol