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Saturday, December 15, 2007

Letter from college (to Liz)

CONGRATULATIONS! As the Bachelor of Technology 2007 graduate with the highest grade point average in the School of Agriculture and National Resources, you have been selected as the recipient of the December 2007 Commencement Academic Achievement Award.


Jan said...

How wonderful. Congratulations to the recipient and all those who made it possible.

threecollie said...

Thanks Jan, we are so happy we can't stop grinning!

Rebecca Mecomber said...


Congrats to Liz, the family, the cows, everybody! What an honor!

Jan said...

O, and I did want to mention how much young people can accomplish when they don't have to take time out to go to Disney World. :-)

Deanna said...


Anonymous said...

Wonderful! She deserves that, and you deserve a huge pat on the back for all you've done to make it possible.

Stacy said...

WOOHOO! Way to go Liz!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Liz and the great parents who raised her!!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Liz and the great parents who raised her!!!!

dmmgmfm said...

Woohoo! Congratulations!

threecollie said...

Mrs. M, thank you...we are so happy

Jan, Ha! Yeah, there is that too isn't there?


NW, thanks so much. You can imagine how happy we are.

Stacy, happy dance here at Northview

NYV, she says thanks big bro

Thank you Stacy!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Liz!!! Girls rule!

threecollie said...

AMWD, thank you...I will tell her when she comes in from the barn