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Friday, December 21, 2007

Monks harassed into getting rid of chickens

I hope PeTA is proud to have driven a group of Trappist Monks into getting rid of their chickens by relentlessly harassing them about their egg business. The monks say that they couldn't continue their lives of quiet contemplation while being pestered by these pestilential pests. Talk about cruelty! Taking away these men's livelihood just to make news headlines seems pretty darned cruel to me. Their capitulation must have been frosting on the activist's nasty cake. Those folks will rejoice when all domestic animals are dead, as they view them as unnatural exploited abominations. (You hear that Mikie? Nick? Gael? You unnatural hounds you). Pretending to care about comfort for farm animals is just that-pretending. Complete and total animal liberation is the animal rights goal and that includes dogs and cats, right along with chickens and pigs.


Rebecca Mecomber said...

I'm reading news and blogs this morning, and I'm getting very angry about now.. terrorizing monks is outrageous!

Now for the big question: why does PETA believe this about animals? What makes them believe this way?

Anonymous said...


threecollie said...

Mrs. M, Good question and I can't answer it. I think money has a lot to do with it. They get a lot of press attention, whip up a lot of sympathy, all too often from people far, far removed from reality, and get lots of donations. PeTA actually has no members...just contributors and the handful at the top, who live very, very well.

Anon, you said it!

R.Powers said...

I like PETA folks ... they taste like chicken.

Jan said...

The more people capitulate to these terrorists (eg KFC), the more power they get. I seriously doubt the sincerity of those at the top. They do, as you say, live very well from the misguided contributions.

Stacy said...

When I think of PETA, I think of a woman in Pittsburgh that Tim had to deal with on a building project. While she was out screaming at good people and throwing paint on $20,000 fur coats.....she was also driving a Mercedes with a leather interior and wearing designer leather shoes, belts, etc. I have no use for them.

threecollie said...

FC, we all laughed so hard at that one there were almost injuries. thanks

Jan, appeasement never works with any bully. Never

Stacy, thanks for that story. It illustrates exactly how hypocritical they really are.

Anonymous said...

Here here! But also, alot of people do not realize that HSUS (The Humane Society of the the United States) is in bed with PETA. Not to be confused with the American Humane Society. A few years ago there was a fantastic article in the New Yorker about the head of PETA. What a NUT! They have so much money and know how to advertise to pull people's heartstrings. Doesn't bode well for the future of farming.

threecollie said...

WR, I think HSUS has tried to make their radical message more acceptable to ordinary folks by dressing it all up nice, but you are right, they are no better than PeTA.