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Thursday, December 20, 2007

Old Crow

Old Crow, black oarsman in the sky, winging west from the hawk party in the orchard (you had him right on the ground under the biggest apple tree today, you dark marauder, you).

Fluff of mourning doves, half a dozen, soft as the snow flakes piled on twig and fence bars, blurring the roof lines on the barns.

Jingle bell tree sparrows chiming through burdocks, over box elders, and around the corn crib, then flitting down behind the silo.

Tuxedo junco, flickering white tie and tails at the banquet under the bushes.

Plinking downies, whistling cardinal, Sam Peabody whitethroat...it is a beautiful bird morning in this Christmas postcard world.


rws said...

Thank you for that lovely, evocative entry.

Stacy said...

I think you and my Nana would have been kindred spirits when it comes to birds.

Miladysa said...


R.Powers said...

Very nice and the pictures are pure winter.

threecollie said...

RWS, thank you so much, and thanks for visiting and taking time to comment

Stacy, would have loved to have met her if she was a birder

miladysa, thanks

FC, thanks it was a very pretty morning...hushed so the birds truly sounded like bells.