I was peacefully reading down the blog roll this morning, having arisen a lot earlier than I had any reason to, when I came across this on Jeffro's the Poor Farm and read it all without stopping.
These three links contain a story. I hope you have time to read it.
The Lawdog Files
A Day in the Life of an Ambulance Driver
If I didn't make it to your place, it is because I was reading this touching story about small town life...and loss.
Of Childhood
11 hours ago
I may amend my post to include a previous collaborative posting by MsttG, AD and Babs - it is about some drunk teenage drivers and is of equal quality. Babs' Perspectives site has her part on the sidebar titled "Vol.1: Bobby" and the links from there can lead you to MattG's and AD's site. The link to AD has the complete link history on it - Babs just has MattG's front page linked.
The story illustrates the frustrations they have to endure in drunk driving crashes. Very good as well.
Dern, not MsttG - supposed to be MattG. My left little finger isn't working right yet, so PIMF.
Thanks for reading!
Darn it. I did NOT have time today to read all that...but I'm so glad I did. Touching and inspiring story, along with layers of richness and authenticity. Glad you found it, and thanks for sharing.
Jeffro, I am so glad you posted it, because it is excellent. These folks have very insightful points of view and they all write very well...and with all you are dealing with at this point, you can spell things any way you want to.
AD, thank you for writing!
NW, same here. I read it before milking when there really are other things I should be doing, but it was well worth the time I think.
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