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Saturday, December 29, 2007

This raises the hair right up on the back of my neck

Coyotes in Erie Colorado came right into a backyard and grabbed little dogs (with intent to gobble) and bit their owner. That is way too tame for me! We have a LOT of these around this year, but they meet a little different welcome than banging pots and pans and yelling.

HT to A Coyote at the Dog Show (who has a lot of other good stuff up right now, so head on over if you have a minute).


Anonymous said...

Very scary for sure! Be careful with your pets! I have heard about Coyotes with cats also!

threecollie said...

Mon@rch, the only cats that stay alive here are the ones that are smart enough to stay in the buildings. I am wondering if the darned things will turn out to be rabid....it would explain a lot.

Stacy said...

We're a little too citified for coyotes here, but they are around and not too far away. Friends tell me bobcats are making a strong comeback, too. I guess there will be more and more of this as animals are forced to share their space with us.

threecollie said...

Stacy, also fewer and fewer people hunt so the animals aren't afraid of us as much as when everyone did. One thing is for sure...they will never wipe out coyotes. they have tried in the west and they just get smarter and adapt to whatever men do.

Anonymous said...

Yup, them critters would find it hard to bite me while they are trying to digest lead. I always thought that they was scared of humans? Hmmm

threecollie said...

Tim, I think the ones that are biting folks live where there is no hunting allowed. We shoot them. The kill calves, cats, a pack wiped out my entire flock of 75 chickens in one night several years ago, they would get the dogs if they could. Up here in the north they are nearly as large as wolves. Shooting the ones you see just makes them wary, it doesn't do much to the population overall, but wary, as opposed to running out of the bushes to bite me, works for me!