This is a completely unadulterated picture of the ice on the windows
Of Childhood
43 minutes ago
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Life on a family farm in the wilds of Upstate New York
I was wondering what the black spots were....until the second picture. It is absolutely frigid here, too. Wintering in Florida sounds better and better the older I get.
My daughter would be grinning if she got that box.
It's a balmy 18* here today:) Keep warm eh!
minus 10 here this morning! Too cold for me.
Stacy, bullet holes. lol
The boss just loves his dew!
Linda, started out at 4 below, not really that cold, but the wind was real nasty. Thanks you keep warm too
WR, You beat us then. too cold for me too!
Ok I am offically ready for spring. We don't get much ice and such down here in Alabama but yeaterday and today I didn't work because it was too cold to lay asphalt and such. I might have picked the wrong profession again.
stay warm
28 degrees here in sunny Florida tonight.
Tim, the past few winters some construction continued right through up here. Not this year. It is really cold and snowy
FC, we have been seeing lots of pictures of ice-coated oranges in our newspapers. Brrrr
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