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Saturday, January 19, 2008

Dreaming over a lawsuit?


Or simply happy that the sun warms the dining room floor just there and he can steal Grandpa's old sweater and the quilted baby blanket from where they block the drafts coming under the hallway door and grab a snooze on a cold afternoon? You be the judge.....

****UPDATE on the sue-age thing.....monkeys can't.....yet.....


Jan said...

He doesn't look especially litigious, but you might want to check the floor carefully for splinters.

Anonymous said...

Sue-age?? LOL!

Linda said...

Is he a lawyer or loes he need a lawyer?

threecollie said...

Jan, Hah!, I will do that right away. Actually I got one in my foot from it yesterday....better me than him, I guess. H was a sharp fella when he was younger and if he thought of it, he would probably sue, but now....he is probably just dreaming of biscuits

NW, seems like a fitting term to me.

Linda, AS I said to Jan, as a young guy, he could have been one. He was a real shark. Now...just a tired old dog.