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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Bareback reining with no bridle

I don't usually cry when I watch someone riding a horse, but I did when I saw this video

Sorry folks who still have dial-up, but this is one of the most amazing things I have ever seen!

HT to One cowgirl, who saw it first.....


dmmgmfm said...

Wow...just wow.

threecollie said...

Laurie, it is amazing isn't it! We have watched it about nine times each

Stacy said...


Rurality said...

Wow, that is really something! When I first started watching it, I thought, now why would this make me cry?! But it sure did.

threecollie said...

Stacy, it was weird the way it just got to me too...I was glad I was alone when I first saw it

Rurality, You could tell the horse was enjoying it as much as the rider, she was chewing and relaxed almost all the time...