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Saturday, May 03, 2008

Don't mine for coal under your house

(Or barn.) Check out
A Coyote at the Dog Show on the perils of said activity.
Chilling and funny all at once....

It's snowing out west.

Listen to some home grown bluegrass.

Do we need another mall?

Mon@rch never lets you down.

Field trip on the gulf

New Chickies

Goats and haircuts

Goats in Chairs

The sheer beauty of laundry
(and yes I am serious)

Border Collie on a bus

Sarpy Sam

Why not?
It's raining and cold and grey and gloomy. You can sit at your desk all warm and comfy and range across our great nation (and Canada) adventuring, dreaming, laughing and crying. If these don't keep you busy long enough, there are more great folks and exciting places in the blog roll. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

You are so right-you can visit a few blogs and feel like you've been on a mini vacation to a different area.

Thanks for sending folks to here my family's music!

Linda said...

What a GREAT idea and thanks for the shoutout!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for putting together a trip for me, and -
Thanks for the link and I hope your weather warms up soon.

Anonymous said...

Awww, you are always too kind!

threecollie said...

tipper, can't claim credit for the idea. Nyco does it now and then. And your family's music is wonderful. I hope lots of folks get to enjoy it

Linda, anytime. Love your blog and photos

Nita, Glad you enjoyed it. Your chickies are so cute!

Mon@rch, simple truth is all.