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Thursday, May 08, 2008


We have lots of white-crowned sparrows. They are amazingly tame! (Wrote that wrong the first time, which is what comes of blogging before coffee.)

And Alan's big brother took him to a ball game
this weekend (ballgame photos by Alan, who took the little camera along)

I think he said that is the new Yankee stadium above


Anonymous said...

Nice photos. Too bad his battery went dead. And that is the Tappan Zee Bridge. We had a great time. We hope he enjoyed himself.

joated said...

Nice pics of the sparrows. We get mostly white-throated sparrows at the Bolt Hole and lots and lots of little chipping sparrows. The Aerie in PA gets about 15-20 goldfinches, a few rose-breasted grosbeaks, lots of mourning doves, blue jays, and other species (I can count 25-30 in a day off the deck).

Good ball park pics too...but Yankees?

threecollie said...

NYV, he had a fabulous time and will be dropping you a note saying so. Thanks for the info on the bridge...not being familiar with the geography down there I was wondering...and his mean old mom did tell him to take new batteries. lol

joated, thanks, we get a lot of white-throated too and they stay all winter, which is a great bonus. I envy you your rose-breasted grosbeaks. When we lived in town we had them, but up here we hardly ever see any. Sounds like you have a lot of nice birds!

Anonymous said...

I love your White-crowned Sparrows and how much fun to have gone to Yankee Stadium!

threecollie said...

Thanks mon@rch. He had a wonderful time!