Or at least in June it is. Doesn't look like much does it? However in this season the wild grape flowers perfume the whole valley. I can't describe the scent. It is sort of sweet like you might expect the air in a candy factory to be. Yet it doesn't just smell like hot sugar. It is...well.....flowery... too. I wait all year for the first breeze laden with it to come floating through the milk house window. We could be miserable with roaring heat, drowning in humidity, worried about fifteen different things and the wild grape flowers will wash it all away in an instant. Nice......
Iditarod Standings
2 hours ago
I'm going outside and sniffing some grape blossoms.
Isn't it great that at least the humidity does one good thing when it seems to squeeze the scent out of wonderful stuff? I have the same going on with my rugosa rosebushes. They are wild and the air is crazy thick with sweet smells. Thanks for reminding me the good things from this awful weather! Teri
That sounds wonderful! I'll have to go in search of grape blossoms as well to check out the scent!
I never knew what they smelled like.....I believe my neighbor has a huge grapevine in their backyard. I'll have to go check it out :)
Ahhhhhh isn't that great???
I have the same feelings toward my jasmine and gardenia.
The grape sound pretty darned interesting. Curiosity is gonna get the better of me, too. LOL
they look really leafy.
Poulsbo flowers
FC, can you still find some in bloom down there? (Or have the alligators eaten them all...)
Teri, yeah, it is hideously hot and they are a small comfort..
Chey, thanks for visiting and for taking time to comment! I hope you find some!
Deb, we have festoons of wild ones hanging all over. I took the photos right off the front porch
Steve, I have never seen jasmine...although my grandma had a gardenia...they sound wonderful though.
tswcb, thanks for visiting, they are indeed
Wish I could smell them. We have fox grapes that grow wild by the creeks but I don't think I've noticed a scent. I'll have to check it out.
We have a prairie shrub called Wolf Willow that will do the same thing for me. It's blooming now too.
Tipper, the fox grapes should work if they are still in bloom there. That is pretty much what these are.
Linda, I will have to look it up, although I guess the computer won't let me know how nice it smells....yet anyhow. lol
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