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Friday, June 27, 2008

Strawberry rhubarb 3.14159

Another good thing about June...
(It's Dairy Month, but it is also berry month)

And....does anyone have any idea what this flower is? Alan's best friend's mom gave me one years ago and I shared with my folks. Mine died a long time ago but I liberated this one from their lawn last fall. It is finally in bloom and I am hoping you can help me with an identification. Otherwise I am going to have to keep calling it **their last name** flower...which confuses folks mightily.
Thanks in advance.


Anonymous said...

Yum put on the coffee, and we call that Scarlet Mullien.

R.Powers said...

Oh, my Pennsylvania grandmother used to make strawberry rhubarb preserves that I gobbled up on her warm from the oven home made bread.
Thanks for that trigger ...

The flower looks like Vinca, but I yield to Nita since I'm many planting zones south.

Freste said...

Flora: as long as it isn't English Ivy, it's called "welcome".


Fresh strawberries? Pie? Look at that crust!!!!!!!! No fairrrrrrrrr.

Linda said...

I can't say as I've seen that plant before but Nita would know! What time's coffee?

Stacy said...

My absolute favorite pie! Can I come to your house for dessert?

Anonymous said...

Is there any pie left? I can leave now and be there the day after tomorrow?

Anonymous said...

Hmm, must put this on my wish list!

threecollie said...

Nita, the coffee is brewing as we speak...come on over.
And thank you so very much for the name! Of course you are right and as soon as I had your definition I could find it anywhere I looked. Thanks again!

FC, sounds like good stuff. My aunt makes rhubarb sauce, which is a delightful summer treat on morning toast.

Jenn, it sure was good...thanks!

STeve, not ivy. lol and I am hoping it seeds itself down and take a hold here. I really like it....and the pie was absurdly delicious and too soon gone,

Linda, Nita nailed it and the coffee will be done in about five minutes.

STacy, wish you could!

Tim, regretfully the pie didn't last past noon of the second day. We have to rework the rhubarb patch a little as the bugs have been at it and maybe go pick some more strawberries if it dries out. Then who knows? Maybe Liz will bake us another one...I am hoping anyhow

mon@rch mine too!!

Tina said...

Ooooo, that's Lychnis coronaria! Isn't it fab...I have bunches of it flowering now and it just glows. Also known as: Rose Campion - Bloody William - Bloody Mary - Mullein Pinks - Lychnis.
If you want to have lots, just harvest the seed and WS them.

threecollie said...

Thanks, Tina, I am so delighted to find out what they are. I just love them and will do as you suggest with the seeding.