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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

More Fun with Foxes

Went out on the sitting porch at daybreak to take yet another sunrise photo. I know they all look alike, but I can't resist. It is my favorite time of day and we have a straight shot east to the horizon through the big windows....too pretty to pass up.

Anyhow, I was standing there, camera in hand, when a faint movement caught my eye half way down the driveway.

A grey fox. We have been seeing one regularly, although not getting many photos. It jumped into the bushes and I was lamenting the missed opportunity when another one trotted up the hill. then both of them began to dart in and out of the shrubbery, pouncing and bouncing, like dogs when they get into that "cracker dog" frenzy (that's what we have always called it) racing in circles, mouths open, tongues lolling, tails J-hooked behind them. They seemed spring loaded and light as dandelion fluff. I simply was not quick enough in the low light to get any shots of all that fun, especially since I was laughing so hard. I think these were a pair of half grown pups from the video fox, as they were slimmer and less fluffy than she was (not to mention considerably less dignified).

Suddenly they vanished.
Just that quickly.
Up the driveway lolloped a cottontail rabbit, bobbling merrily along, ears waggling lazily. I set the camera on video and waited to see what might happen. It hesitated, ears up, peering alertly around.
Came a little closer.
Paused again.
Then it whirled and fled willy nilly, scut flashing bright behind it. I didn't see the foxes again...simply couldn't wait for more to happen as it was milking time, but it was a neat bit of early morning drama.
I actually hope the little vulpines catch some of the darned bunnies. It seems like a fair trade to have them to protect my garden for me since they ate all our black caps so we couldn't make jam.


R.Powers said...

Beautiful sunset and those foxes are too neat.
We went picking blackberries up in GA last week and got enough for a delicious berry buckle thing Mrs. FC made.

Linda said...

Great pictures as always. Every sunrise/set is different and you can't NOT take pictures of wildlife.

Anonymous said...

Great pics, I agree with Linda, every picture of the sunrise and sunset is just as exciting as seeing it. And the foxes are just too cool! I'm dating myself using the word cool - but they are.
Keep 'em coming.

Jennifer said...

I love foxes, they're super cute. From a distance!
I don't have fox problems in my area, but I've been seeing skunks and raccoons trying to find their way into my garage lately!

Judy Schwartz Haley | CoffeeJitters.Net said...

great sunset and congratulations on snapping the photos of the fox.

Anonymous said...

Gray foxes are beautiful. I've only seen one in my back yard. It was resting near the woods and didn't see me coming.

Did you know that gray foxes can climb trees because their joints are like cats instead of like canines?

cocked and loaded said...

Great pics, wildlife photos are
always the best. I've been trying to get some pics of some deer that
visit my property but they are too
fast for me.

threecollie said...

FC, thanks! I envy your berries and dessert! It was bad enough around here when we were just in competition with the birds! I am hoping the foxes don't get after the tomatoes when they start ripening

linda, thanks, and you are right. I can't resist...just can't

Nita, cool is a perfectly serviceable word...which I use frequently myself. lol
and thanks

Jennifer, the foxes are a surprise to us...and skunks and raccoons are a problem too. Thanks for visiting!

Judy, thanks! I couldn't believe they showed up when I was standing right there with the camera. What luck!

Susan, thanks! I didn't know that, but it does make sense. Every time I see one I am reminded anew of how much they resemble cats. In fact I thought the first one I saw this year was a cat for a second. It also amazes me how small they are. We are used to coyotes, which around here are huge

C%L, thanks! These little critters are a lot bolder than our deer. Once in a while I can get a good deer shot, but rarely. They ARE quick,

Anonymous said...

Your photos always make my day!
Do you always have your camera on you? I always forget to take mine out with me. I love sunrise too...

threecollie said...

Thanks so much Teri,
I really don't. It is usually either in its case in my purse or here on my desk. When I got the first fox photos I was cleaning the living room and just threw all the junk I had picked up on the floor to run for it. This day I was out on the porch shooting the sunrise when the foxes showed up...pure luck.