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Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Red sky at morning

Farmer, get out of the house and go get your cows.....


R.Powers said...

Such beauty makes it a little easier to get up and going tho, doesn't it?

Caroline said...

I know from growing up on Lake Champlain that "sailors, take warning" How about dairy farmers?
Caroline in South Dakota

Anonymous said...

Beautiful - yes, no one else is going to do the milking - so get up & out!

Anonymous said...

Fred nice!!!!!!!!!

Deb said...

As always, beautiful photos.

Freste said...

Hey, it sure beats snow. So get out there and grab a cow. Whatcha waitin for? You're waiting around all day waiting for the.....

wait a minute.

Anonymous said...

Just lovely!

threecollie said...

Fc, I don't really mind getting up early anyhow and I just love the sunrise. We have had a lot of really pretty ones this summer!

Caroline, yes, red sky is often a sign of an impending storm. This one wasn't and we ended up having a pretty day, but they were forecasting showers. Another almost identical one this morning

Moos, okay, okay, I'm going.....

Jenn, thanks!

Matt, thanks, looking forward to seeing you this weekend. Today would have been Grandpa Lachmayer's birthday you know....I still miss him.

Deb. thanks so much...

STeve, yeah, yeah, yesterday was milk truck day so we weren't long behind that sun. At least the cows have more or less gotten used to the summer routine now. They are waiting at the gate most mornings rather than at the back of the farm when the boss goes to let them down the hill. I have to go be a fence since there isn't one on that lane.

Thank you Tipper....lots of pretty mornings this time of year. I miss them in the winter.