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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Mars pet food recall

Gael hates the camera, but she likes Pedigree

Here is the website with codes for the new recall.

I am sure everyone remembers the horrible round of petfood recalls. at Menu Foods last year, which resulted in numerous deaths of pet dogs and cats. Now Mars company has recalled some pet foods too apparently because of salmonella contamination.

When I heard the TV in the other room announce the recall my ears perked right up. Mars makes Pedigree and we have fed the small crunchy bites since Mike was a puppy. He had a lot of health problems when he was a young dog and it seemed to be the only thing he could eat. Now he eats pretty much anything, including nasty vegetables he steals out of the compost bin, but we had success with the food so we continued to feed it.

I went right to the Mars website to check out the codes on the 40-pound bag in the pantry. Sure enough the UPC was right there on the list.

Oh, good. We have five dogs. There is about five pounds of food left in the bag.

Now what? I kept perusing the site, hunting for more information. Finally I found it. Besides the particular UPC that was on our food there also was a small three letter code, which indicated the bad batch. Our bag doesn't have it. I was not terribly worried as it takes quite a while for the mutts to munch their way through 40 pounds. If they were going to get sick I figure it would have already happened......still.......


Breezey375 said...

OH NO'S!!!! Nicky could get sick!!! Or Sadie!!! Or KashKitty 'cause Sadie shares both her bed and her food with her!!!!! Thanks so much for scaring me..

Anonymous said...

Thanx for the heads up on the petfood recall, take a look at blue seal natural 26,made in vt.

Anonymous said...

Yikes. I have a friend who (has the time!) makes her own dogfood. No children and no farm! She never has to worry. But me, I doubt I would notice, generally, but because of your post, I will pay better attention. Glad you had a good batch!

Anonymous said...

GRRRRRRRRRR....I get the seven lb. bag and dump it into an air tight bin, then throw the bag away. And dayum if the garbage man took it right away.

Now I will have to watch my sweet pooch carefully this week.


threecollie said...

Beck, I think our bag is okay. I just hope there is enough in the store so we can get some more, as it is nearly gone

Anon, will do, we get blue seal for the cows anyhow.

Teri, I have met a lot of folks online who make their own dog food and I actually do myself when we run out. It is an expensive and time consuming operation though. It is so nice to just grab a bowl and hand it to them.

JW, that is the pits! I hope your pup is all right. I guess in this case no dogs have actually gotten sick...rather people that handled contaminated feed did so. I was surprised to hear of it as i have had excellent luck with Pedigree, which is why I have fed it so long.

Anonymous said...

well i'm sure that there is nothing wrong with the bag of food. and even if there was i'm sure that our dogs have already got imunities to some degree. they eat all kinds of theings that they shouldn't

Anonymous said...

called mars pet food company and they said that it was a voluntary recall because two of their employeese came down with salmonella and they did check all bags of food , no salmonella was found and that they do believe that the food is ok for the animals to eat. They are just taking precautionary measures.

Anonymous said...

your little bro's wife called mars and we used an air card from verizon to check out your blog

threecollie said...

Alan, yeah, the compost bin and the litter box come to mind at times like these

Anon, is that you Mappie? Or Lisa?....and I want to hear all about this air card. Did it work well for you?

Anonymous said...

actually thr air card works pretty good. but we need an antenna so it works all over the house. right now we have to use my laptop to sit next to the side window to get service.


threecollie said...

Tawny, thanks for the update...hope you can get an antenna soon so you can really enjoy it.,