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Sunday, September 14, 2008



R.Powers said...

Day's work is done?

threecollie said...

FC, the day is indeed done and in fact it was a pretty nice day. My usual morning off then everybody else went to our Vet's customer appreciation picnic. I stayed home and read...a new Dick Francis book.
To top off how delightful it was one of our dear veterinarians sent me home my own personal "doggy bag" with everything good that they served. I had to milk tonight but I sure can't complain! lol

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhh, was there a breeze for those trees this hot and humid day?

threecollie said...

Teri, I am guilty of taking that one up on the Vermont border last week, but there was no breeze here yesterday. Kind of miserable wasn't it. Then that big howling wind kept me awake a lot last night...that and the moon. It sure is blowing now too.

Trapper Creek Daughter said...

Lovely picture!

Yesterday there was a nice warm breeze blowing on the North side of the house.

threecollie said...

It took me two trips to the cornfield because my batteries went dead, but I took some video of Ike whipping the corn around. It was pretty cool but it sure made picking a challenge.