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Monday, November 03, 2008

The cat

Spends his time in this fashion, while we are out cutting wood to make the house warm for him and milking cows so we can afford to buy cans for him. He knows the word "can" and comprehends quite well that it refers to those little round things from the grocery store, which are full of such tasty goodness. Is it any wonder that we are jealous of him and feel that it would be much more appropriate if he were a dog?

And here are a few more pics of Saturday's wood expedition. Maybe he is jealous of us too, as he missed all this.


Anonymous said...

such a nice kitty...

Anonymous said...

Ah, you're making ME jealous. We lost our last cat about a year ago, and had decided not to get another one, so we would be freer to travel. But whenever I see pictures like this, I start thinking ...

Deb said...

Obviously, quite the smart cat :) He doesn't look jealous in the photo - he looks quite content!

We do not have a house cat right now - we have fisher cats and they diminish the house cat population around here. We do have barn cats and although they do a great job of keeping rodents away, sadly they aren't friendly.

Breezey375 said...

I hate the college offices here at Coby they can't decide if I'm done or not... But apparently I still get to sign up for classes. I think there's a couple English classes I might take. Short Story and Readings in Literature or maybe Readings in American Lit... What do you think?
Elvis is such a cutie!

Jan said...

Your cat probably continues to catch vermin on your farm. Ours moved in and caught two mice that the dogs had apparently befriended and hasn't done any work since.

Linda said...

..........and they call them dumb animals, what a hoot! We only have barn lions, I got tired of being ruled by a housecat:)

Anonymous said...

this is for deb....what are fisher cats?...cats that fish?

DayPhoto said...

Love your cat! I couldn't imagine life without dogs and cats and chickens and cows.

I really enjoy your photos! A great way for me to travel.


Deb said...

not sure if Fishers are predators in your area or not. I hope your lovely kitties never meet one!

I've posted a photo and a short blub on my blog about them. Nasty!

threecollie said...

Anon, he is a character....never dull around here

Akagaga, I hate cats in the house actually but I have made an exception for this one because he is so funny, always up to something

Deb, as long as he gets plenty of cans and can torment the dogs he is happy. He fell in the fish tank Sunday. We lose a lot of cats to coyotes, but I think we are too far from the big woods for Fishers. I have never seen one anyhow, although I believe they occur in the Adirondacks, which are quite close.

Beck, I am sure you will figure out what will work. And he is quite a guy

Jan, the barn cats do, although not as much as I would like them to. This cat launches himself through the air after flies, often taking all the magnets and comics off the refrigerator in his efforts.

Linda, I never liked cats in the house and this one was given to Liz for the barn. He is truly a hellion, but he is so funny I can't bring myself to throw him out. We should have named him Garfield. lol

Anon, I see below that Deb has given you an answer on her blog. In short here they are big woodland weasel type critters with big appetites and a lot of fierceness. When settlers arrived here they were prized for their furs. Most people will never see one as they are secretive and don't live in the suburbs like coyotes and raccoons.

Linda, thanks so much, I can't imagine life without animals either, even though they need so much from us. Guess I am lucky to live where I do.

Deb, thanks so much for answering anon. I have never seen one and had no idea that they would take cats. What a shame that you lose yours that way. Coyotes eat them here and great horned owls will take unwary kittens. We lose a lot that way.

Anonymous said...

mister putty man. he is so cool

threecollie said...

Alan, he is the kitty man...no way around it. I sent Marie pictures yesterday. Hope she likes them.

Anonymous said...

What great photos!! (as usual). I love your cat collage, the photo with his big eyes. lol!

threecollie said...

Thanks, Mrs. M, he is really something else....not exactly a cat, more of a feline Robin Williams or something. When he is on a roll in the living room you can't keep your attention on anything but him. But they say laughter is good for you so we put up with him .lol