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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Proof is nice

But somehow this doesn't surprise me.


Rebz said...

What?!? The family isn't some crazy, unnecessary human invention?!? It has existed for thousands of years?
Sorry about the sarcasm. I just get a bit rankled with our society's current disregard for the importance, no- necessity of the family.
So all that to say, I am not surprised either, and wouldn't it be silly of our society to forget what the CAVEMEN knew? Not that I believe in cavemen, but that is a different topic all together.

Jeffro said...

What? It didn't take a village?

threecollie said...

Joce, it tickled me to think that we have been living in family groups for so long. Guess that is why it feels so right

Jeffo, guess not. lol