And not so red
Art Photo - January 22, 2025
3 hours ago
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Life on a family farm in the wilds of Upstate New York
Nice pictures!!!
Worked over to moms yesterday . filled the wood shed!!Had a good time Missed you and yours though. mom said you were doing the same thing. hope all went well!!
Love ya
Bought a nice wood stove At cookies's an acme jewel. All cast though
Hey there little brother! Wish we could have come up but by the time we knew about it we were wet and muddy and it was too close to chore time. I will talk to you in a few when everybody goes out. Love you!
Nice! This normal mud time or are you getting some unusual rains?
Can't say as I like mud this time of year but we sure could use the moisture.
I like red. It's nice that God gives us a nice warm color when the weather is not so nice and warm.
bought some rubber boots just like that while my foot was healing from an operation, except for my wooden shoes from Holland (made in Michigan) they are among my favorite tromp in the wet mossy grass and muck and mud footware
beautiful pictures
Are the leaves poison ivy. They turn red too. Yes, and you're right, this is mud season in some parts ... before the snow and ice of winter settle in.
FC, a little bit of both. There is always some mud this time of year, but it has been raining for weeks it seems like. Making it real hard to get the corn in
Linda, you can have all of this if you would like. We haven't seen dry since June
Shea, thanks so much. And thanks for taking time to comment
Joce, it is wonderful to me how the red things stand out against all the brown and grey.
Earl, I have a pair too and I love em. Too hot in the summer, but I wear them the rest of the year when it is muddy, which seems to be most of the time now.
Robert, these are raspberry bushes, although there is plenty of poison ivy around. I got into some this summer and I don't even know where I got it, but I sure had nasty blisters on my hands. They lasted for weeks too.
I love your mosaic! I just posted one myself. We're muddy now, but not NY muddy - kinda that high altitude desert muddy - it won't stick around long.
Thanks Karen, I like yours too. Sorry about your mechanical troubles though. The mud is giving us fits...can't get the corn in because of it. It could stop raining for a month (no snow allowed) and I would be delighted!
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