That is the question. I planted two bulbs of this garlic yesterday. Now I have to decide whether to plant more and delay gratification or to just cook with the rest.
The boss bought me these bulbs to plant, but it is great stuff.
Really, really good!
Maybe I will run down to Pines and get some from them and plant that.
I want to eat this.....
And Earl from Just the Library Keeper, tagged me in this meme. I have done it before, but I think it is one of the most enjoyable ones around so here goes.
Rules:Pass it on to five other bloggers, and tell them to open the nearest book to page 56. Write out the fifth sentence on that page, and also the next two to five sentences. The CLOSEST BOOK, NOT YOUR FAVORITE, OR MOST INTELLECTUAL!
Lucky me, I was doing research yesterday, so rather than a romance or fantasy or something else that would reveal just how eclectic my reading tastes are, the closest book is Songbird Journeys by Mikoko Chu of the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology. (A great read by the way. I really learned a lot from it and am still learning.)
"The study brought new attention to radio tracking just as Cochran was getting ready to retire his tracking vehicle and do something else for a while."
Cochran, by the way, followed individual birds equipped with tracking devices, while they migrated all over the US and parts of Canada.
In his car.
At night, since that is when birds do most of their migrating. His stories are amazing!
You can check out Songbird Journeys here and here
LOL. That is so funny to me. About the garlic. Because I am doing the same thing. I bought some nice German white to plant, but I accidentally keep, umm, tasting it. To make sure it's yummy, of course. It's delicious!
Our supply is now running low, so I guess I will have to go buy some more too. (And Plant it before it gets into the house, or anywhere near the kitchen.)
Good day!
I would eat what you have and go buy more to plant if you can :) I forgot to order any so I guess I'm not planting this year. Oh well -
Songbird Journeys sounds like a book my Mom would love to read - I'll have to see if I can find it at the library for her.
Have a great day ~
Roast those cloves, get some nice crusty French bread and a hearty bottle of red....... mmmmmmmm.
What a dilemma!
Eating a clove of raw garlic (just a single clove, not the whole root) is the best thing for a cold, or preventing a cold when you think you are getting one. And or keeping bad spirits away from the house. It's multi functional
Joce, I haven't done anything about it yet, but I suppose I will have to decide soon. Glad I'm not the only one. lol take care!
Deb, that will probably be how it ends up. If you get a chance to find the book for your mom I highly recommend it. I learned a lot from it already and I haven't finished it yet.
Steve....ooh, is it lunch time yet? Are you cooking?
FC, not a painful one at any rate
Robert, good stuff! I cook about everything but dessert with it.
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