Is a concept, which, although tough on the merchant economy, has its upside
And its downsides
Or during any of the quilt making activities
Although there were times....)
As you can see, Alan and I have been makin' blankets, with some help with the quilting and provision of supplies by the girls.(If you are a pair of blue jeans, Northview might be a good place to avoid, as a seven-year collection of old worn out jeans has gone under the scissors this week.)
There has been pinking.
Filing of the pinking shears.
Sore fingers
Bruised knees
Blisters and bumps from too much gnawing away at stiff, stubborn fabric with not quite sharp enough scissors, (particularly the pinking shears from hell)
Much swearing at bobbins in general and the one currently on the machine in particular.
One large quilt is done.
Lap robes are emerging rapidly from the tangle of tattered denim.
Oh, and there is fresh apple pie jelly too. (See below)
I have one of these blankets that I made over twenty years ago. It is the warmest thing you could imagine.
Your blankets are wonderful and those who receive them are extremely fortunate.
I can't imagine where you all find the time!
There is nothing like a hand made gift - a real family affair, animals included :)
yeah, he's still cutting on it and the pets are enjoying themselves...must be inspector #9 or k9 for that matter!;)
great crafty work...i'm sure they're much appreciated.
oh you gotta have a good sharp scissors for denim...ouch those fingers must be hurtin'...great idea though!
Fred, We are doing the same sort of things. With the looms instead .
Nice blanket !!! Looks like the cat is into it as usual. Lisa bought a good pair of regular scissors at JoAnn Fabrics.They are nice!!! Hope your hands are feeling better.
Love ya
It's going to be so pretty and warm when your done.
What a great was to recycle old jeans!!!
Great idea! I had heard that dogs were into quilting but never believed it until now.
Hmm... I have quite the collection of old jeans... but they're not really worn out, they're just my "I'm hoping I'm going to fit back into these one day" jeans. I really should donate them to the thrift store!
Yeah Mike, looks like the projects around here. I picked up some pretty good stainless steel scissors at the dollar store. Now we have enough to go around and usually at least one pair is sharp!
love the quilt!
I've saw the jean quilts before-super neat and a great way to use old jeans!
very cool.
i'm starting a knitted blanket for my mom for her birthday. (i've started, and re-started twice now. stupid yarn. hopefully, three times is the charm...)
Deb, thanks, it is getting hard to find the time and some folks may have to wait until after the holiday to get theirs. The farm just won't stand still while we work. lol
Anon, yeah, they are tremendous help. lol Alan has the worst case of scissor-fingers. he has been really diligent in this task.
Matt, the stuff you folks weave is amazing! I love the looms.
Love you too!
Dani, thanks, we are hoping!
Ed, it is wonderful to be getting rid of the piles and piles of them I had saved up.
FC, you just never know what you will find a Northview dog doing....
Rurality, some of these fit that fitting someday category in fact. lol
Nita, if I would stop shearing sheep with my sewing scissors they would probably stay sharper....
Tipper, yeah, I got the pattern out of Country Women many, many moons ago. We line them with polar fleece or flannel though for something more in tune with the current weather...
Erika, how I wish I could knit or crochet! I have tried to learn, but I guess I am just not patient enough...
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