You may need to resort to desperate measures to stay warm (including stuffing a squirming barn cat inside your coat)

Or you may just need to come indoors.

Sorry about the blurry flowers. I was hanging laundry on the bars in the parlor (don't ask...please don't ask) with the camera around my neck, while racing to get the bills paid in two lots. I had to get someone to trek to the post office for the first time in a week to get the second batch and mail the first I didn't take the time that I should.
The cat picture makes me think of the movie "Alien" ... only yours is scarier, 'cause it's a cat, and not a vicious silicon based alien life form.
I'm also thinking if we had a bar in our laundry room, I might be motivated to do more laundry.
That cat looks like he is going to need therapy after that encounter.
Love that metal horse and the shelf that its on. Your house really must be amazing! As for laundry, you got to hang it where it will dry! But I like Floridacrackers idea of a bar in the laundry!
Ha! That cat does NOT look happy! I love that metal horse too.
FC, not like Elvis well enough but there is no way on this earth that you will ever see me with a cat inside a garment. Alan on the other hand....And a bar in the parlor would in fact be quite welcome. If I didn't warm up I might at least forget about being cold.
WW, he looks distressed, but the fool thing was purring like a Honda.
The horse is a bronze bank that I have had since I was maybe eight. It came into my dad's antique shop and I fell in love with it so he let me have it. It has the word Richard stamped into the base. I used to play with it back in the day.
Rurality, his is a homely little cuss, but he really doesn't mind Alan toting him around like that. He was purring up a storm! I snapped the picture just as he popped out to look around.
And thanks, I have been fond of "Richard", the bank for a long, long time.
What were you saying about laundry?
Steve, you just HAD to ask didn't you?
Just want to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and all the best in 2009! :) Stay warm!
So, is the cat keeping the body warm or is the body keeping the cat warm?
The cat in the shirt is a symbiotic relationship... it's a mutually warming situation.
Very cute photo.
And I'm with Floridacracker about the laundry room ;-)
For some reason, Google wouldn't let me sign in as myself, so...
A cat in a coat is better than a cat in a hat!
Merry Christmas to all at Northview!!
Sue, thank you so much, all the same to you and yours!
Teri, I'm not least in part the boy is sneaking the cat into the house to irritate his mother and the housecatinchief! lol
Cube, that makes a lot of sense. As for the right here at the computer would come in good today. lol
You take care now!
Linda, you are probably right about that, especially these flea-ridden little beggars.
Nita, thank you! Merry Christmas to you and your family as well!
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