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Saturday, December 13, 2008


Yesterday was one of those days. Lately a lot of them are. The grain company piled the bags of cornmeal and calf feed they delivered in the manger in front of the cows instead of toting it back to the feed room. We have told them and told them. Ralph was right up behind the barn if they wanted to ask where to put it. I was right over at the house (didn't see them come.) It was a mess. The cows tore up a lot of bags and two cows ate their fill of corn meal. This will not be good for them.
Then Alan's chain flew off his chain saw. Didn't hit him, no harm done and we are grateful, but still.

Just one of those days. Read the dairy market outlook. Wish I had left it for Monday. It is so bad I don't even want to think about it. Dang.

We were going to go up to Romana's for grinders but said the heck with it and made hot dogs instead.

On the way in from the barn Alan asked me to come up to the stove with him while he filled it. Usually I do. We have a nice few minutes of camaraderie and it is pleasant up there. Some nights I am too darned tired or I need to get in the house and adjust dinner in some way. Then I don't. I wasn't going to last night. I was tired, discouraged and somebody needed to cook aforementioned hot dogs.

But I did.
I was glad. The full moon sparkled on the snowy mix of snowsleetandfreezingrain that fell during the day and looked like that flocked stuff they used to put around the toy trains in store windows. It seemed unreal, but it was breathtakingly serene. We practiced our coyote howls at that big silver moon and sent them echoing out across the smooth expanse of snowland to see who might call back at us. No coyotes answered but we didn't care. You could see every bush out there on the hills, picked out like a charcoal drawing. We worked on owl calls too for a while.
Who cooks for you!
Who cooks for you Sam Cook!!

It was fun.
I suppose I am too old for such stuff and I felt a little self conscious about howling and hooting at the moon, but I did it anyhow. Then I went in for the camera while he went in for his hot dogs (which Becky very sweetly cooked so I didn't have to).

(You can see the sparkles a little in this collage if you click)

My pictures didn't come out all that great but I will have them to remember howling at the moon with my favorite son at least.

And although I am by no means a slender little thing, that shadow is certainly not accurate....really it isn't....c'mon you guys, be nice....


Anonymous said...

Fred, Alan Needs to buy a pair of saw chaps.They will save his legs when the chain comes off. About $80.at true value in Fort Plain. Cheeper than a few stiches.
Great pictures as always.We didn't see the moon last night to much snow.
Love ya

Deb said...

Love the photos....I hope today is a better day and that the cows are ok. I don't think you are ever to old to howl at the moon with your favorite son :)
We couldn't seem much of the moon last night either but it was cold and crisp and everything sparkled from all the ice..
Glad Alan wasn't hurt, the chaps sound like a great idea.

Wishing you a great weekend!

Dani said...

I'm glad Alan was not hurt.
I hope you have a wonderful stress free weekend!

Anonymous said...

Look at it this way, 3C. I had nobody to howl with. (Hubby is sick in bed.) And you'll notice that I took shots last night, too, but my shadows were from trees, not me. :)

Jinglebob said...

If you hadn't said anything, I would have took the shadow for the Great Pumpkin, or such. Nawww, you ain't even close to that big. You know what they say, a shadow adds double to triple your size, especially in moon light!

Throwback at Trapper Creek said...

Great pictures! And so sorry about the grain guys - it used to be that would grounds for firing.

Don't feel silly about howling, it sounds like fun :)

Jan said...

The camera adds 10 pounds and the moon adds another 30 to 40 more. Known fact.

Anonymous said...

Fred,Maybe I'll get them for him for christmas???? Let me know.
Kegan and I went out back and cut a pickup load of limb wood for the new kitchen stove. Needs to be only 12 inches long.
Love ya

Linda said...

Sometimes it's the simply things like howling at the moon that give us joy:) Hugs!

Breezey375 said...

Mommy I loves you...

threecollie said...

Okay, little brother, I am answering my comments. lol. Nice talking to you this morning! Stay warm and drive safely. Love you!

Deb,thanks, yesterday was broken stable cleaner day. The girls and I had a nice enough day cleaning house, but tough on the guys. You folks sure got nailed with the ice...take care!

Dani, thanks, I was really grateful, hope you have a good weekend too

akagaga, oh, dear, I hope he feels better soon! The shadows were sure amazing weren't they?

Jinglebob, actually it was the Great Pumpkin, I was luckier than Charley Brown and caught it out there in the snowbank lol

Nita, I can't believe it! I left a message on their machine and they didn't even call me back! There will be words tomorrow. So far the cows seem okay, but we lost 100 pound of corn meal and a lot of other bags were torn open.
And it really was fun to howl...wonder what the neighbors thought...

Jan, the darned camera and the moon light moved it all around some too. lol

Matt, you are such a sweet guy....your stove is really cool. Stay warm. I love you

Linda, I felt like a kid again

Breezey, I love you too dear owl person.

Anonymous said...

Love your new header!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You are my kind of gal, threecollie. I am so happy you howled at the moon and shared it with us! At least now I know if I'm crazy, I'm not alone.
Sorry about the feed and hope the cows are okay.

threecollie said...

Matt, thanks, Becky took the picture with the little camera through the car window. She is getting as much from that little camera as I did when I was using it and having a lot of fun with it too. I am glad. Love you bro

Teri, it was fun. The cows seem to have come through well. We loaded them up with hay and bicarb and they looked a little sorry for themselves the next morning, but so far they are going along all right. Thanks!

Rebz said...

Crazy laughter coming from over here at Tillaboro. That shadow pic made my day.

threecollie said...

hi Joce, glad to make your day. ...that one almost didn't make the cut lol