We brought a bunch of springing heifers into the cow barn today. Over the next few weeks we are expecting a number of babies. Didn't go too badly, but not much fun either. They are nervous about going in stalls for the first time, except for the really tame show heifers, which of course aren't the ones we wanted.
This is Broadway. She will be needing a stall soon, but didn't get one today. She is half milking shorthorn and half Holstein. She will be the first one of this cross that we calve out and I am quite interested to see how she turns out. She will be having a half Jersey calf, which if a heifer might make a nice homestead type cow. Time will tell.
I'll bet when they settle down they will enjoy the protection.
You may not enjoy the mucking out.
Bet she will make an awesome cow for you. We used to milk (by hand) milking shorthorns. Very nice cows. And I bet if she has a daughter she will make a nice family milk cow. Wish we were closer. I'd get her for these grandsons. Milk here is about 4.50 a gallon.
So funny to see red at your place, I bet she'll make a great cow. If she doesn't produce enough for the dairy I bet she'll fetch a great price as a family cow.
Liked the milk post too!
Linda, they were pretty quiet last night. I had to milk a big, fat old cow next to one though and that was an adventure. I normally don't go in the old cow's stall with her, but because the heifer was touchy I had to. Old Zinnia leaned on me with all she had. Woof! It wasn't all that comfortable to have maybe thirteen hundred pounds of cow mashing me on the stall divider, but I got her milked. Maybe I can sucker somebody else into doing it this morning
JB, wish you did live closer. If she has a heifer it will be for sale real cheap or if prices stay as they are even cheaper than cheap. Hate to send nice ones like that to the sale, but we mostly have a purebred herd. You milk price is awful! Under three bucks here!
Nita, yeah, we only have three reds, two R&W Holsteins and Broadway. Actually unless prices change if it is a heifer it won't be worth a whole lot and if a bull the sale barn won't even take it if not over 80 pounds. Prices are scary around here as one auction company has a monopoly on almost the whole state. Stay warm!
Babies yet? Liz told me some were due. I just recently learned that cows birth year round. Must be so fun in this weather!
Hi Teri, no babies yet, but soon probably. We have the calf coats ready! lol
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