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Saturday, December 06, 2008


Only in the NY Times could bombing the Pentagon be called vandalism....even extreme vandalism.

I am old enough to have been terrified by the Vietnam War too. The boss's best friend died within days after being deployed there.
We still visit his grave every year...but we somehow managed to avoid ever bombing anything, even so much as a mailbox. I would feel better if people who did commit such excessive, criminal, and to my mind reprehensible acts, weren't given such a positive pulpit.


Earl said...

I looked it up, he was correct but didn't want to use "willful or malicious destruction of public or private property" behind the "extreme" it sounds so terrible.

He also didn't want to say a criminal act, an unlawful act, a stupid thoughtless act, an irresponsible act, a harmful and destructive act --- a not nice nor neighborly act. What he doesn't say has a lot to say about who he is and who listens to him.

threecollie said...

Earl, thanks for this...I am glad I am not alone in being appalled.