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Saturday, February 28, 2009

Break up and the Farm Show

Beautiful downtown Syracuse, home of more red lights
than certain districts in the old days. That is a green one you see there,
but we didn't see many others.

We visited the NYS Farm Show yesterday. The show itself was very nice. I will try not to complain too long about the parking guys filling the farthest out lots first...2 miles away. About the insane shuttle bus driver. Standing up with camera, jackets, etc. in hand on a school bus with a death wish.
Pot holes.
Corners on two wheels. Praying not to land in the lap of the poor little Mennonite kid in the seat I was clinging to.
Walking all the way back after doing the show, because the buses were all parked. (I think it was a plot.)

No, I won't whine about that stuff any more than I have to. We talked to lots of very nice salesmen, who who were very generous with samples of a number of probiotic products that I can't wait to try. When a cow digests her feed via rumination it is really a lot of little bugs, microbes if you will, doing the job. When conditions get out of balance in her rumen, due to feed issues, or calving or who knows what, those bugs sometimes die, making it tough for the cow to process her lunch. Probiotic products put a new set of bugs on board so she can break down her groceries. We already use a couple of such products, but it will be interesting to try these new ones. We have a lot of calving coming up and so will have a lot of fresh cows needing extra attention.

I took a couple of through-the-windshield, slashing rain, howling wind and dark and gloomy conditions type photos on the trip. Below is the ice on the river beginning to break up. Experts are predicting a serious flooding situation when it finally warms up enough to move that ice and I suspect they are right.

We are driving on about three feet of compressed ice on our barn road. It has been such a cold winter that almost none of it has melted and our big concrete walkway that is about a foot above the driveway hasn't been seen in months. When all that is on the river and all the snow and all the many places where the ground is covered in that much ice all melt, I expect it to be pretty noticeable.

Despite being footsore from the hiking, the show was fun. Glad we went. Even more glad to be home.


Earl said...

Nice ice, the Spring is on the way I have heard, two more weeks and some daze! That durned Groundhog.

Throwback at Trapper Creek said...

You are a tough bunch! The thought of that ice makes me cringe. Glad you could get away to the farm show.

Charley "Apple" Grabowski said...

Being from Syracuse I always manage to avoid downtown and the lights and one-way streets. Glad you enjoyed the show despite the weather and the lights.

It's a beautifully sunny day today but frigid. I don't think the ice will being melting anytime soon but we're in for a mess when it does. The Oswego actually was fairly ice free yesterday, at least near Phoenix. I'm more than ready for spring but we really need a gradual thaw.

Windyridge said...

My kids went Friday with their FFA club and had fun. It was good that even tho' it was rainy it was comparatively warm outside!

Anonymous said...

the lunch was good too

threecollie said...

Earl, Didn't get the best shots what with flying down the Thruway doing about 70, but there sure is a lot of ice this winter

Nita, it was nice...thanks

Apple, we could have just jumped back on the Thruway, but the wind made the drive up so bad we took 5 and 5S, which were just a nightmare of traffic. Should have known better I guess...

WR, it was really crowded! I'll bet we saw your kids. There were a number of FFA groups...

Alan, it was, it was

DayPhoto said...

Man, that is a bit scary!


threecollie said...

Linda, we are on a hill, but the ice is a real issue down in the valley