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Friday, February 13, 2009

Not Just Another Pretty Face

(AKA Queen Bean
Whissa Queen
Queen of Beans)


nfmgirl said...

What a beauty! Her demeanor reminds me of a couple of our favorite dogs over the years. PJ has been gone now for a few years, but Katy is the current dog living with my mother. She's a sweetheart of a dog that my mother rescued from a life that had consisted of two years spent in a crate in a garage, with barely enough room to stand up and turn around.

Now she is a sweet dog, eager to please, able to run off leash every day, chasing squirrels and meeting people, and then come inside and sleep on her own bed and play with lots of toys. And she spends most days at work with my Mom instead of alone.

And she often gives me that same look as your Queen Bean.

Ed said...


Anonymous said...

AWWWWWWWWWWWWW what a sweety. I just wanna smoochie all over her muzzle!


Paintsmh said...

Aww my sweet old doggie. I love her so muches...Now if only she wouldn't try to sleep on my computer!

threecollie said...

nfmgirl, poor little dog! I am so glad she found a better life! Gael was sleeping in Alan's bed...he doesn't mind, but she thinks he does, hence the look

Ed, that says it all!

JW, she would love it! She is a real kissy face

Paints, she is a good dog, and excellent chicken herder