More on the View at Northview.
An interesting story about the huge springing lion mount (top) in the college mammal room. One day when Alan was first in fisheries and wildlife he was looking for the room where his next class would be held. He walked into what he thought was the correct room. It was in total darkness, all blinds tightly drawn. Since he was the first kid there he reached over and turned on the light. ....and there was that guy right in front of him.
Oops wrong room! (The thing is mounted so it is right in front of the door!)
Our flock of Waxwings are still here. I imagine before too long they'll be leaving us to head north. It always makes me a little sad when it's spring. We get attached to the migrants in the months that they're here.
I hope you and the family have a wonderful Easter. :)
Holy mackeral andy! I'm glad I wasn't Alan. I would have had to go home and change my britches, I'm sure of it!
I love them! And the flock at the college was so much tamer than they are here on the farm for some reason! You have a nice Easter too and thanks!
JW, wish you could hear him tell it! It is really funny. The way they have the lion placed it would make you jump even in daylight! He took me on a tour of the lab rooms at the college yesterday, herps, mammals, rooms and rooms of fish tanks. I was enthralled! Sheer delight! There was a class in the bird room, but maybe next time...
Yikes! that is scary looking even in pictures. I might have lost control of some bodily functions in that situation.
Jan, I think this is one of those stories that is going to go down in family history! lol
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