Update***Here is more on this topic. Guess I am not the only one concerned by it. Google isn't too happy either.
I am sorry that I am not writing about animals and spring time and the good stuff that is (or should be) going on. That is partly because serious problems are flourishing like fungus and there isn't much fun to talk about. However, there is also the fear factor about where this country is going.....There is so much insanity popping up in the news, all day every day, it is like watching the first Gulf War unfold on television. Or the second. It scares you silly, but you can't walk away from it.
Talk about shock and awe! Here is a Senate proposal (that will probably pass unfettered) to give a government official the right to shut down private Internet networks if they think a cyber attack is under way. Right now, thanks to a conspiracy that the media has virtually admitted to, to publish only positive materiel about liberal causes, the regular news is worse than useless. Most political dissent takes place right here in the blogoshere. I try to discipline myself to mostly write about farm stuff, but this is too much. I personally rely on this medium for nearly all my news and commentary. Without it I would be blind.
To give the very people I am worried about the power to legally shut off the information faucet is appalling, egregious and wrong.
We just watched a Senator have his conviction thrown out of court because of prosecutorial malfeasance. What is going to happen to us peons if they close our conuit to unfiltered information? I really am frightened by the prospect. The time to stand up and scream for our right to freedom of information and freedom of discourse with the people we talk to here on the Internet is right now, today, before this bill is shoved through like it was good for us.
I am not a baby who needs Washington to secure my computer for me and I suspect you aren't either (notice that they screamed about what Conficker was going to do to us for a couple of days and then slipped this in as if they were saving us from a fate worse than worms?) However, the same people who think they have the right to decide what eat think so.
Call your Senator! Or send him an email. While you still can!
Feb 24 art - Sit Spot #1635 - February 24, 2025
2 hours ago
It is scary. There are so many assaults on Constitutional Governance going on now that it's impossible to focus on ONE or TWO that will resonate with large enough numbers of citizens.
I think we all knew it could get bad, but never in my wildest nightmares did I think there would be so many assaults on our freedom, uncontrolled spending, and ill advised public policy foisted on us so fast.
I too, very much ALSO, am scared and worried! I believe that we have come to a time in the history of the United States whereby we could become the United Social States of Fascism-America, showing others how to do do fascism right.
I agree with Chef Troll and Jeffro and You, Dear Friend, we are in for horrible horrible times and we must ALL stand up and fight.
My senators are Boxer and Feinstein. I can predict the answers I would get from them. They are a big part of the problem of out of control, getting more insane by the day, government.
Unfortunately, things will get worse before they get better and hopefully people will stand up for their rights and be heard.
I agree with all that has been posted here. I'm outraged and terrified.
Here is one ray of hope: www.the912project.com. I have been hoping for an internet gathering for people like us, and this may be it. The site has 425,000 people registered in just the three weeks it has been online.
Although Glenn Beck's TV style turns me off, I do agree with his opinions. I figure I'll write letters and join tea parties while the web site is still available. There is strength in numbers, and adding "The 9-12 Project" to our letters and e-mails can show that strength.
If anyone has come across similar, or better, organizations, I'd sure like to know about them.
Troll, it is hard to go to sleep at night....
Jeffro, exactly!
Linda, it seems the ground is shifting right out from under us....every day
Lisa, I really hope they do!
NW, thanks, I checked out the site and am glad you told me about it. We need to address these things while we can!
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