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Thursday, April 16, 2009

In The Back of the Bottom Drawer

Click for a close up
This just epitomizes Liz
Determined to get it done herself
and the devil take the consequences!

I lost my last good hair clip while wandering around the college the other day.
Therefore I was digging through all the rarely opened drawers looking for a stray....to no avail I might add. (I have to find somewhere to get some! Cows like to eat long hair and it catches in everything and snarls something terrible out in the wind.)

However, I found this 1993 copy of the Recorder, with Liz and her first show calf, Sonora, on the front page. (Since I didn't start writing for the paper until 98, it was just serendipitous that the reporter and photographer happened to pick Liz for her article. Maybe it was the determined look on her face.)

I don't remember how Sonora fared at the fair. Probably not all that well, as her only claim to fame and ticket to the show ring was that she was gentle. Liz was only seven and not so very large either. However, that first long ago fair was the start of a show ring career for her that continues today.

Over the years she has held up both ends of the line, with old Dixie being grand champion Holstein once and reserve a couple of times and Mandy junior champion twice. Showing cows doesn't pay beans unless you are one of the big guys, but waiting and hoping for that next great one takes the edge off the drudgery aspect of the job. Last year the cows didn't do all that well, but who knows what will happen this summer. You just never know when a good one will show up!


Anonymous said...

that's so cute...now you better have not put it back into the drawer..it deserves a better spot!

happy hair clip shopping!

Dani said...

What a great picture! It's so wonderful watching our little ones getting older and seeing the paths they take in life.

Freste said...

Double ditto what Nony and Dani said.

And sometimes you just never know ... you're right.

Anonymous said...

I have that paper around here somewhere too. God Bless that dear little girl, now all grown up.

The Wife said...

Look at little Liz!! She's not the least bit hardheaded is she?

Anonymous said...

Looking at Liz made me smile SOOO BIG! Reminds me of the time my daughter was showing goats in 4-H. She had one very nice but particuleraly stubborn goat that she wrastled into the ring, and then into submission. She then pumped her chest out to the Judge, with a big ol' smile on her face.
Not only did she take Grand Prize for her goat, she also took First Place for her showmanship! She was eight...yeah, I was one proud momma.

Re: the hair clip. I remember the pic you showed of yourself in the mirror you posted awhile back. My thought then was, * With her hair up in a clip or a bun of some sort, she's (you) got that classic beauty of Katherine Hepburn going on.* Somehow I knew you didn't keep it down while working. LOL!


Anonymous said...

That's too precious, 3C. Thanks for sharing it.

~ Sara ~ said...


While I only showed one summer when I was 17, I've always wanted to have show cows. However the politics in our area is more than I can take. Some one stop the flash backs of the judge jumping on my show heifer!!! No I'm not joking...

I totally understand the hair clip dilemma. I'm constantly looking for a clip, rubber band, scrunchie, headband or all of the above... anything to keep the wild locks in place. :) I have been known to stock pile them when I find a favorite!

Hope all is going well with the new Co-Op!!! And that Spring is making it's way to you in full force!

joated said...

Looks like a contest between to young and head strong critters.

Great photo!

Ed said...

You find the greatest stories in the most unlikely places...:-)

Throwback at Trapper Creek said...

What a great story and pic! Good thing you lost that clip - and could share this with us :)

Yeah Liz!

Teri C said...

That is terrific!!! Thanks for making my day :)

threecollie said...

Anon, thanks! I put it in the hutch, which is the repository of most important newspapers. lol
Wish I could find a good clip!!

Dani, thanks, that was quite a day...I remember it so well. We had a lot of fun over the years at fairs and shows

Steve, that is what keeps it interesting! There is a tattered copy of that old paper stuck inside the lid of one of the show boxes after all those years.

Mom, she is a sweetie, isn't she? Hope you and dad have a great weekend. I will be thinking of you!

The Wife, not a bit! lol

JW, that is so cool! I can just imagine how proud of her you must have been. Those are such special moments.
And thanks so much for your kind words....

akagaga, thanks, I was so tickled to find it!

Sara, I would love to hear the rest of the showring story!!!
I can't understand why I can't find the simple hair clips I use...so for now it is braids or those alligator things that bite so hard...

Joated, it was exactly that! Sonora was a sweet heart though and just the right one for a kid's first show calf.

Ed, that is oddly true. One of Liz's friends said to her the other day, "Everything happens to you..." lol, I dunno, maybe it is just that we find everything so interesting.

Nita, I really was delighted to find the old paper. I save a lot of them as any number of family members do newsworthy things but my filing system is kind of fling and forget. I knew I had this around but I hadn't seen it in years.

Teri, thanks for stopping by!

Rebecca Mecomber said...

Such determination! What a treasure.

Hope you find your clip!

Paintsmh said...

Hardheaded? Stubborn? Who? ME?!?! No not at all...why would I be such a thing...

And dang I miss that little cow. Kind of funny in a way. Every other kid that year who laughed at me because I had such a small calf etc has long since given up showing!

threecollie said...

Mrs. M, thanks, Liz found me some at Price Chopper yesterday. I was so grateful!

Liz, yeah, you. lol

Ericka said...

great picture!

lol - i relate. i can nearly sit on my very fine hair. i have clips stashed EVERYWHERE. i keep it up in a bun/knot thing at work, and have extra pins too since mine are apt to attempt escape on a regular basis. weekends = french braid, and i've been known to tie the end of it to the beltloop on my jeans if i really needed it to stay out of the way. good luck on your hunt!

threecollie said...

Ericka, mine isn't quite that long, but nearly, and although I enjoy it, it has to be up when I work. I couldn't believe how hard it was to find the simple clips I have always used.