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Thursday, April 23, 2009

LJ Hand Farm Store

Got some much deserved recognition in the paper today. People in the area take Lynwood Hand's store for granted, but believe me, if you don't live around here and you visit for the first time, stunned amazement is a normal reaction,

Hand's has everything that exists that can be used on a farm and if he doesn't have it he will find it. When I first joined the farming world visiting the store was a like a trip to Disney Land, with a wish list a mile long and everything needed to fulfill it right there on the shelves. The boss remembers a man from out of state that he talked to at an auction who was looking for certain tractor tires. The boss sent him to Hand's and he darned near bought out the store. He had never seen so many supplies and things in one place and priced right as well.

I am glad the paper took note of our favorite farm store and I wish them many more years of successful business. They are having a customer recognition open house this Saturday from 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM, with discounts and vendor displays for folks who attend. I hope you get a chance to stop by and tell them how much having them here means to the community. You will have a great time if you can! (And you can stock up on barbed wire and baling twine. Ear tags and neck chains. Tire chains and tires and tubes and tools and oil and teat dip. And snaps and buckets. And medicines and brushes. And anything else you can think of from bearings to hydraulic lines.)


Anonymous said...

yes..the word "lynwood's" is an icon in the valley...well probably the whole state

a very hardworking, humble man.

..and it's true, if anyone has it..lynwood has! (or he can get it for you)

the store is even more jammed pack with supplies than ever before..he's got rows within rows now!

can only imagine saturday is gonna be chaos!

it's hard to believe he's been at the new location for 25 yrs already..seems like he was just at the center of town not that long ago!

saturday should be a busy day to say the least! (of course the "annual" auction is that day too! ;) )

threecollie said...

Anon, it is indeed auction day and the boss is so torn. He HAS to go to Lynwoods, being the second customer ever in the store and it being his second home and all. But he has to go to the auction too! What to do, what to do.....

Jinglebob said...

Wish I was there. Sounds like my kind of place!

lisa said...

You are right, I will be at the auction being that it is only down the road from me and looking for a hay rack and I do love knowing that LJ hand will always or almost always have what we need when we need it!!

Anonymous said...

I would almost drive from the mid-west to see this place. I wish we had something like it here. we dont even have tractor supply or rural king.

~ Sara ~ said...

I'm jealous! Our farm store is over priced on what they do carry, and half the time doesn't have what you need. It's the "OH it will be in a couple of weeks". My Uncle has been waiting for 5 years for a belt to come in... :)

Of course he just went out and bought another one. If we waited for their couple of weeks we would have starving animals and nothing would run. The nearest good store is 15 miles away... and they don't care what we need always.

I KNEW we should have moved to NY! :) Hope your having a great day...

dmmgmfm said...

My family owned and operated a hardware store in the town where I grew up. Since dad was a contractor, we carried the usual (and some unusual) building supplies, but since the community revolved around agriculture, we carried a bunch of farm supplies too. It was so much fun working in that store. Great memories, thanks for reminding me of the good old days.


Anonymous said...

the boss should be able to tackle both events on saturday..after all the lunch is only from 11-2 and well the auction usually runs a good part of the day, depending on the weather..and it's gonna be nice....do both...have fun!...free lunch (well i think we've all paid for it, actually) and good conversations at the auction, with maybe a bargain or 2 thrown in...sounds like a plan to me!

Ericka said...

i LOVE finding stores like that. pretty much any small town i find myself in, i'll hunt around looking.

if you're ever in new bern, nc - check out mitchell's hardware. they're a bit touristy now, but they still have about everything you'd ever need, tucked away somewhere.

threecollie said...

Jinglebob, it is pretty cool. I may go to the open house myself!

Lisa, well, I sure hope you find just what you are looking for!

Tim, it would just about be worth it!
Sorry to hear you don't have a good farm store.

Sara, what a shame. We are so lucky and believe me, we know it. We tease the boss about it being his second home, because besides parts tools and supplies there is always a good supply of farmers to talk to as well.

Laurie, what an interesting way to grow up...

Anon, he has been talking about staying home and working but.....I'll bet he'll be there. I will encourage him. It is not like we are getting rich milking cows. He might as well have some fun...and this rain soggied up all the fields again anyhow.

Ericka, thanks, you never know, I may get there some day.