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Thursday, April 30, 2009


The light lies across the land like a golden blanket.

Dawn is a gift, gently proffered, kindly offered.

Every morning.

Take it or leave it. It is here for your comfort if you need it.

It sweetly softens the sting of worry and strain.


Dani said...


Sandcastle Momma said...

It seems all things are possible in the early morning light.

Jinglebob said...


Tina Marie the Willow Witch said...

Very nice, 3c's...very nice... Thank you.

alan said...

i need another hair cut

lisa said...

You are sooo good with words. I am glad that mappy talked me into doing blogging and I always love looking at others, especially yours since we are related by marriage.

Ericka said...

that was well said enough that i'm almost interested in being awake to see one. :-)

Jeffro said...

Bee You Tee Full!!!!

NumberWise said...

Warm thoughts.

Tell Alan that I can cut hair. It's sort of like clipping a cow for the show ring.

threecollie said...

Dani, thanks, we have been needing them for sure

Sara, thank you kindly

Sandcastle Momma, it is the best time of day for me...I love mornings

Jinglebob, thanks!

WW, thank you for stopping by and for your kind words

Linda, thanks, although I don't think I have commented, I am still loving your posts on planting out there, so interesting!

Alan, true, I am drinking that Full Throttle you bought me....so far only about half speed, but we shall see, we shall see

Lisa, thanks, you do just fine with words yourself and I am enjoying reading about life at you guys' place, plus all your great photos.

Ericka, thank you. I used to wonder why my grandparents got up so early.....

Jefrro, thanks! Kind words indeed...

NW, thanks dear friend. I will tell him. He does need a wee shearing...

Anonymous said...

You do have an awesome way of saying things.

DayPhoto said...

As a side bar note----I love mornings also. I am the first up 5:00 and the first to bed at night. The grandchildren said I was a chicken in my former life. Then one of the adult kids asked if Dad was a rooster! Goodness. Family! Laugh, chuckle, snort!


threecollie said...

LInda, thanks, it just kind of popped out all written...

Linda in Colorado, that is hilarious!
Rooster.....OMG, I am still laughing.