Don't seem to matter much today. It is 2:30 in the morning and I can't sleep. Over the past week the cooperative we ship milk to changed where it sells our milk. In the course of the contract negotiations they neglected to make sure that they set it up to have a milk hauler for our farm milk. Everybody else got a hauler because everybody else is on the flat and can have a tractor trailer pick up there milk. We alone need a ten-wheeler because of the hill. A giant cooperative is refusing to let our milk leave the farm, on the same truck it has always been on.
So all week no one came to pick up the milk. All week we were assured that this was all getting solved. Finally yesterday we had to dump the milk. And finally yesterday we learned that nothing is solved and there is just a standstill in the negotiations, which we have had no part of.
If we don't have a hauler in the next few days we will have to sell the cows or send them somewhere to board at someone else's farm or some other desperate measure. None of these options would allow us a milk check, which is what we live on and pay our bills with. Plus the boss's entire lifetime of breeding cattle and the kids lifetimes and half of mine will simply be gone. Our lives will be gone, because everything we do every day, every habit, every joy, every pain, is wrapped up in those cows.
You find out just how much you love them when you look at them and think about putting them all on a truck and watching them go.
On another day I would have been happy to see that NYRI is a dead issue and our neighbors won't be getting a monstrous power line through their backyards. Today my heart and soul are sick, especially for Liz who loves her cows like children. I am happy for them in a vague way, but I can't feel any delight.
If you have any ideas let me know...or at least pray for us. I spent three hours on the phone yesterday and won't know until at least Monday if any of my frantic calls will bear fruit. I am going out now to check old Zinnia who took it in her head to look like calving last night....
COMING SOON—Tuesday, February 25, 2025
6 hours ago
Awww, man, that is a kick in the rear for sure....
And it's all out of your hands - you did nothing wrong.
I'll be praying for y'all.
Thanks, Jeffro, I tried not to write about this because I just didn't know if I should but I couldn't stand not saying anything any more. At least I just came back in from the barn after finding a large, nice, heifer calf, which despite my lack of elevation and muscle I managed to lift into the manger for its mama....sure is a nice one.
My heart is just breaking for you and your family - I truly wish there was something I could do or someone I could call that would make a difference.
My thoughts and prayers are with you all. I simply don't understand how they can do this to is just so wrong! Please keep us posted and do post if there is anything any of us can do...........
Hugs to you all,
Fred can tou change milk companys??Man that is a kick in the tender parts!!We are praying for you and yours. Let me know if there is any thing I can do!
LoveYa Mappy
I know its hard but are there any milkers like youself that can give you any advise? Its always hard to have to ask for help. We are praying for you and we are here if you need us.
3C, I am truly heart sick. Many prayers from this side of the river. I've been praying for our small farmers for quite some time. That was accelerated when I read your post about the other farmer's at the calf sale who were selling out because of the milk prices. I don't believe that was any accident.
I'm afraid that, on a larger scale, you are just one more statistic in the grand plan of nationalizing out farms. Our lives are all going to change, and the only thing we can do is cling to the cross.
Devastating news. I am shocked that a reliable family farm can be driven into the ground like this!
How I wish I had a milk truck!
We're keeping you guys in our prayers. Hang in there!
I'll be praying for you for a solution. It would be terrible if you had to give up your cows and your livlihood.
I am just sickened to read this. Prayers on the way. But do take heart. When we bought out the folks, we could not afford to keep our cows and still buy the land. On the thoughts that we could always find cattle if we had land, we sold the cows and as it turned out it was at the highpoint of prices at that time. It was so hard to set there and watch them go thru' the ring.
In hindsight, looking at what came after, we were better off to have not kept them and the debt as we probably would have lost it all. So, maybe this is not what you want to happen, but it might be for the best, even tho' I know that is small, if any consolation.
I don't think those not involved in these lifestyles can ever really understand just how much all this means to those of us in this calling. And it is a calling. We sure ain't in it for the money! Prayers!
i'm really sorry, i hope things get straightened out soon for you. i know how horrible this all can be...not knowing about the future. sometimes we take things for granted until it's too late. i'm not saying at all that it's any of your fault, just that everyone at one time or another faces these similiar challenges in their makes you want to turn back the hands of time, but we can't...i'm truly sincere prayers and well wishes are with all of you....keep your chin up :)
I can't offer sensible advice since I have no dairy experience, but I will be thinking of you and wishing for a quick resolution in your favor.
Take care, 3C family.
I will have to pray that the right answer comes soon, don't think I am much good at laying waste to fools and enemies, anymore. The praying is much better for my blood pressure and the environment. Take care and know that it will be well.
That's rotten. We had to dump milk in the past due to roads being impassable & it's a mess. Will the coop pay you for what you've had to dump? One company or the other should be held accountable. I will pray for the best outcome for you.
This is horrible news, my heart and prayers go out to you and your family that things will work out to YOUR best!!
Man, that really sucks! I pray that everything gets worked out for y'all.
Not much of a "cooperative" if it's not looking out for ALL it's members when negotiating a contract.
Here's hoping for the best.
My heart goes out to you. And my prayers as well.
i hope your coop finds a solution, that's what you pay dues for...this shouldn't have happened. you should be compensated for all the lost milk to say the least.
i hope your answer somes swiftly!
best wishes!
If you need anything please let Jen and I know. I just hope this gets resolved soon. If not I am off Wed. and would be willing to make phone calls, visit local politicians, ect. Whatever it is you need I am willing to help.
ok, i have no experience in this so my questions may be totally ignorant but... the point of a cooperative is to work together, yes? you pay dues for this to happen, and all must benefit - that is the point, right? so how can the rest of the coop be letting this happen to you? i can understand wanting to handle something yourself, but if you haven't already, you need to demand that the rest of the coop step up and not allow this - they will be next if they allow this to happen to you.
i really hope you figure something out. was there a contract or something? if they said it was handled, they should be financially responsible for the mess that they made.
I'm sad and angry for you. What complete and utter nonsense. To take away somebody's livelihood over a truck issue! Sheer stupidity at its' finest! I hope this all works out for you.
I can't add much to what everyone else has said, except I know how painful it would be for Liz and the Boss, and the rest of you to sell the cows. Like you say it is the good and the bad, and it is your lifeblood and livelihood.
My heart aches for you all, and I hope your persistence shakes someone up!
Take care - and I think absolutely you should write about this and vent on your cyber friends! We are all hear to offer support!
We'll be praying for you. Hope this is resolved in your favor soon.
To each and every one of you. You made a rough day immeasurably better with your kind words. Thank you for being light in our lives.
Deb, thanks so much. We are hoping this will be resolved tomorrow, although I have a feeling we are going to end up on the short end of things. Thanks for caring
Matt, it may come to that. It isn't a good option because the big guys pay a lot less than the independents and we were already taking a big hit in the new contract
Lisa, thanks for caring about us. We have called a bunch of people and will call more tomorrow about the situation.
Akagaga, thanks so much. It is good to have a friend across the river even though we have never actually met. I probably don't say it often enough but I love your blog. I am grateful to people like you who take the time to show us what is really going on. The kids and I watched that TSA video you had up yesterday half a dozen times...
Mrs. M, thanks. We are thinking about going out and buying a lottery ticket and then buying a trucking company with our amazing winnings....we would ship milk for all the little guys with rough driveways!
Cathy M, thank you so much for caring about us and the cows. We didn't need this, but I know we aren't alone in having hard times now...
Jinglebob, thanks so much for taking time to write when you folks have enough on your plates already with the weather out there and calving and all. Thanks for your prayers as well. I know you are right about things working out in the end somehow, no matter what happens, but it is so scary when you can't see the end of the tunnel.
Anon, you are exactly right. You think you have your eye on the ball and turns out it is the wrong ball or somethings. Thanks for your kind words and prayers.
FC, can't imagine how much it helps to know people care about what is happening. Before I got brave enough to post about this we felt so alone...
Earl, there is nothing more that I could possibly ask for than prayer. It is the first best thing and I thank you.
LInda IL, thank you for your kind words. I am not sure whether we will be able to get anybody to pay us or not, although there have been promises made. If we have to dump more we are going to try to give it to some friends who have a cheese plant or something. Bad enough to lose the money but the waste is appalling!
Steve, that covers it I think. Thanks for your caring words yesterday.
LInda, thank you. It means a lot that you care
The Wife, thank you. I know you are facing your own difficulties and it means a lot that you care about ours. Hope things work out for you too
Joated, thank you. I have been feeling pretty much that way all week. When you can't even get phone calls returned....
anon, thank you. We are hoping and trying to get somebody to do something....
NYV, you and Jen are so sweet to offer and we will call on you if it looks like there is anything that can be done. Right now we are so in the dark about what is going on...if anything...We talked to Ag and Markets and they were a lot less than helpful or hopeful about the situation, although I can't say enough good about Senator Farley and Assemblyman Amedore's offices. I don't know if they will be able to accomplish anything but they were eager to help us in any way they could.
Ericka, I don't understand either why they wrote a contract without making sure that all the members were taken care of...but we are so small...the government and lots of folks give lip service to small farms, but in the real world I guess you need a thousand cows to matter. Thanks so much for caring!
Island Rider, thank you so much. I couldn't ask for anything that would mean more.
Islagringo, thank you. I couldn't agree more. The same truck, with the same driver, has been picking up our milk for years and taking it to the same plant. The only change is that we would be selling to the plant through our local cooperative and the big cooperative, which owns neither truck, nor plant, would not being getting a piece of the cookie. But they are forcing the trucker not to put our milk on that truck, which is still going to that same plant. To me it is an ugly sort of bullying....
Nita, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am so grateful for my Internet friends at times like this...I don't know how to say it. As my aunt says, "I love my computer...all my friends are in there." Cows and barn cats and dogs and all have come in from some extra scratches behind the ears and all the last few days.
Sand Castle Mama, thank you. It means so much that you care.
I'm late getting here. Sorry. :)
Please know we are praying for you and the rest of the family. We hope that this will be resolved soon. Keep us updated.
I'm both sad and ANGRY about this. Is the coop run by the government? If not, I would think all of the other coop members would be backing you up, as I know you would them!
Is there any chance you can sell directly to the plant and hire the truck on your own? I guess I really don't understand how they still have your truck picking up milk, just not yours.
I'll pray that they do right by you and quickly.
Sending good wishes your way for a resolution!
I know this is out there, but have you thought of hiring an attorney? And yes I know "with what". BUT you your family, your cattle are worth fighting for.
While I don't know exactly how your feeling, I do know how I felt when there was a threat of loosing our cattle, farm, EVERYTHING for over a year, because of a contractor, loan officer, and private investor. We are still in a battle, but thankfully our cows are safe...
My prayers are with you and your family in the coming days. The power of prayer works! Also and I'm very serious about this... do you want me to call? I'm willing and able! :) I've learned to be ummm what's a nice way of putting it??? ... PROACTIVE!
i recognized your name from teri's blog and just found deceased grandfather from vermont was a dairy farmer so somehow in a way i feel connected to your pain knowing how miserable he would be in your shoes. i wish there was a legal way you could solve this problem. have your approached that line of thinking? can you go to the media and have them report your story? you would be surprised how that helps! either way, with all of these folks thinking and praying for you, God will help you. my thoughts and prayers to you, too.
I like Apple's idea, 3C. Couldn't the coop members (and supportive neighbors) picket somebody ... or block the truck until it goes to your farm ... or something like that?
Just let me know, and I'll be there with my camera. :)
And where's the local newspaper coverage? I think some publicity wouldn't hurt.
Dani, thank you. It means a lot to us that people care about this....we have been feeling kind of alone and lost
Apple, thanks so much. We are exploring every avenue we can think of....
CTG Ponies, thank you. We are so grateful to everyone who has taken time to write and email!
Sara, wow! I really appreciate your offer. I am not sure where we stand right now and won't know anything until tomorrow at the soonest, but I am really grateful. It may come to that.
Sorry to hear that you had your own battle of this kind. It seems so wrong that people who just want to work in this industry have to fight with giants who are making big money at it. It is so discouraging!
KritterKeeper, thank you so much for stopping by and leaving such a kind comment. We seriously thought about maybe talking to media, but we don't exactly have a picture postcard type of farm...more like rough around the edges and old and tired and what with mud season and all I don't think it would looks so great to a town person....otherwise that would be an option we would probably pursue
akagaga, you are so nice to think of that! Right now, as I said above, the place doesn't look that great that we want to invite strangers with cameras. However, I will make one promise right here and now. If that big cooperative puts this little farm out of business I will use every means at my disposal to expose the kind of thing they get up to. It is hard to explain to non dairy farmers how milk is priced and marketed, but if they hurt my family that way I will find a way. Thanks again for caring about us!
Aunt Marianne, I will continue to pray for you all and hope that this situation is resolved quickly so you can go back to normalcy. Much love and many hugs.
Kristen, thanks honey, we aren't getting much sleep these days, but hopefully we can get things fixed.
Oh, 3C's I am soo sorry... Nothing worse than having to dump your hard work and paycheck down the drain...I wish I could do something, I feel sick for you. I am praying for you friend.. Please keep us posted...
oh no, threecollie. I am so sad for you and mad at what's being done to you and your family. And, Liz....poor Liz. Hugs to you all.
I am SHOCKED! This is just horrible! I wish I could do something for you. Having live for the first 10 years on a milk check I understand!
Will they take the milk if you deliver it to them, or can you open your own Fresh Milk Factory or Cheese Factory? (I know it costs money, money, money). But I just wrote a grant for training dollars for a Dairy here in Colorado so they could open a cheese factory. This dairy also got a big grant from the state to do alternative/value added products.
How I wish I could help!
WW, it was ugly...hopefully with the help of ag and markets we will get paid...eventually. Thanks
Teri, thanks so much! Liz has had a rough couple of weeks. She is so tired she just fell asleep at the computer!
Linda, I am so worried right now for the future of small family farms I just can't tell you...
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