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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Update on the Craigs List Killer

They caught him. And he was from around here! Came from Syracuse, met his wife to be at SUNY Albany. Wow....


Tina Marie the Willow Witch said...

kinda scary huh... But I guess it is a fact of life that there are unbalanced people everywhere, even next door...

Jan said...

I guess as soon as a means of communication is established some psycho will find it. Glad this one ended well.

Breezey375 said...

This guy was part of lecture in English today. Not sure what he has to do with Siddhartha but okay.

threecollie said...

WW, wish I could tell you about an innocuous little meeting I attended yesterday....where we spent the whole time waiting for someone to show up...and I for one was really nervous and grateful for a no show!

Jan, sadly, it seems you are right.
Been loving your recent posts!! You are saying things that really need to be said and saying them very well indeed.

Beck, I am not surprised...such a bizarre crime!