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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wordless Wednesday


Earl said...

Fire, dog and daffodils - but I went looking for the 'd'. Thanks.

CTG Ponies said...

All great pics!

tipper said...

Neat pics!

Anonymous said...

Ah, spring daffy's........there is nothing like 'em!

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwww...cute pup! Yours?


Matt said...

Hey Fred !!
Good picts!! Been lurking not posting of late. worked 12h yesteday with the drive we didn't get back until after 9:00. Left at 5:30. 10h today.
Love ya

threecollie said...

Earl, yeah, that is what I get for typing so early in the morning. I have spell check on the body of my posts, but in the titles I am free to mess up and I do. lol

CTG Ponies, thanks, I was just trying to capture my alone time in the morning before anybody else is out and about.

Tipper, thank you!

Linda, they are coming up all over...even where I forgot I planted them!

JW, yes, thanks, that is Nick, the baby of the family at 9

Matt, man you must be tired!!!
Love you!