I always have a hard time deciding whether the gold finches look like flying dandelions or the other way around. They sure are yellow anyhow.
And listen to those catbirds! One over there in the mulberry tree, two in that big apple and at least a couple down below the road. Last week I was wondering why we hadn't seen any yet and now they are all over the place. One almost hit me in the head over by the barn the other day. He had better watch where he is going!
Check this out....wild grape flowers. Any time now they will open and the whole valley will smell like Heaven. They are small to look at, but their scent is my very favorite. Wish I could bottle it.
And these little guys! I haven't heard a frog yet this spring....or at least not here at the farm. I thought maybe they had all died out, but somebody has certainly been up to SOMETHING here in the little pond the boss dug for me way back when.
Ooooohhhh! Tadpoles!!!
I used to catch them and keep them in jars and watch as they changed...
What I wouldn't give for a pond!
And ahh, yes...the wild grape scent. It's everywhere and unfindable at the same time!
the tadpole picture is sure neat!..i love to watch them...fast little suckers,aren't they?
great writings and pictures :)
Great shots and post, I'm trying to imaging what the wild grape flowers would smell like..:-)
What a great walk! It sure looks pretty up there in your neck of the woods. Those yellow flowers are beautiful!
I enjoyed my stroll through your old horse pasture. Thanks for sharing. :)
I LOVE this post! Dandelions are one of my favorite spring flowers! And tadpoles! You did a good job of snapping thier photo.
I have never smelled a wild grape flower, nor do I know what a wild grape looks like, so Thanks for that photo.
More cows are always good!
Oh, brings back memories of ponds past and tadpoles when I was a young'un. I should go looking to see if I can find some to watch grow up.
You've given me a taste of spring. It's coming SO slowly here this year. Thanks for sharing.
What a great walk! I don't think our muscadine grape flowers have a scent ... but you can bet I'm checking on that!
Beautiful flowers!!! Thanks for sharing.
everyone makes fun of me, but i love dandylions. they're so cheerful.
and you've reminded me - it's time again for the great annual pollywog rescue!
June, I have never gotten over them. What a rush it was to see them in the pond and flash back to being about three and a half feet tall and heading out with a jar and hands that were never quite quick enough
Anon, I love 'em. I want to put some in the garden pond but that stupid sun fish is in there and I am afraid he will eat them
Ed, I know you get up this way sometimes in your travels...soon, very soon, all you will have to do is open your truck window as you drive down the valley. The black locust trees and the grapes open about the same time
SC Momma, I always say to the boss...if dandelions were cultivated flowers they would cost ten bucks a piece.
dibear, thanks for joining me. I love company when I walk out there
Linda, glad you could come along. We have so few ponds on the place, I always feel a little frog deprived.
Caroline, I think they are one of the coolest parts of growing up in the country. I wonder how many kids today even see any outside the classroom...
Linda, I hope the warm weather catches up to you sometime soon. we are still having frosty nights but I hope I will soon be able to leave some house plants outside over night
FC, do check it out! It took me years to figure out what else was blooming at the same time as the black locust trees, which also smell fantastic...grape flowers are so tiny, and most of the wild ones are high up in trees.
Scott, glad you could visit. Take care
Ericka, they are truly beautiful flowers. If they were cultivated and we had to buy them I'll bet they would cost a bundle!
I enjoyed the walk!
Tipper, I am so glad! Me too
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