Her Grandpa Delbert gave her her first cow when she was three. She could always pick her out of the herd even though she was just an ordinary black and white grade cow. She would pick her grass and dandelions and could lock up her stall from the time she could reach high enough to close the stanchion.
She and her sister and brother worked in the barn and fed the hens from the time they were four or five.
First show cow, Sonora, at six.
Milked her own string from 13 on.
4-H dairy judging, dairy quiz bowl, local and regional teams and several trips to state competition. They took her to state when somebody else couldn't make it just to fill out the team. She placed in the top ten. Dairy ambassador. Years and years of band and and select chorus.
Eighth in her high school class.
Dean's list every semester of college.
Valedictorian of the animal sciences division at SUNY Cobleskill when she got her bachelors in animal science.
Right hand. Left hand. Long since gone beyond helper to partner in the barn. We decide by committee and everybody has a voice. Calving administrator. Calf raiser. Ration planner. Hard working Farm Bureau board of directors member and newsletter co-editor.
Rodeo blogger. The kid who takes me to rodeos and makes it all fun.....The one who stays home from camp so the rest of us can play....we love you kiddo.
Happy 23rd birthday Liz, thanks a lot for being you.
Happy B-day lizzy from your aunt lisa. Good blog from her mom!!!
Yes, Happy Birthday to Liz.
This sure beats a Hallmark card!
What a loving birthday tribute - Happy Birthday Liz!
ps...when do you get a vacation to come and play with these lambs ? :)
Have a wonderful day!
Happy Birthday Liz!
Great post Mom!!
Happy Birthday to your Girl! We sure are lucky Mom's! Love the bachelor buttons.
What a great resume of love.
Happy birthday
Happy Birthday Lizzy. Everyone who knows you, loves you.
Grandma & Grandpa
What a beautiful tribute!
Happy Birthday, Liz!
Very impressive! Happy Birthday Liz!!
Happy Birthday!!!!!!
Oh Happy Day to Liz!!!!!! (And Happy Day to the totally cool Mom who raised her!)
happy b'day liz...obviously you've got a fan club!
and are those this yr's flowers?..are they batchelor buttons?...so soon?
anyway enjoy the cake and ice cream!
I am so glad that what is right with American women is going to be so right again tomorrow, no matter what they say on Oprah there is really a promise in the world around us. Thank you, Lord, and happy birthdays to fine ladies - mother and daughter, who celebrate for different shared reasons.
Aunt Lisa thanks so much!
NW Thanks and yes it does doesn't it?
Deb. Thanks and oh if I could get away I would SO find a way to come visit you guys and cuddle lambs! :)
TTC, thanks and Mom says thanks too
WW, Thank you so much. Personally I think I am the lucky one!
Jan thanks
Gram and Gramp thanks and I love you guys too!
Linda thanks from both of us
FC Thanks!
Uncle Mappy, thanks love you bunches!
Teri thanks! I wanna come play with llamas! :)
Anon Thanks. They are actually Prairie Cornflowers. Totally beautiful and one of my favorites!
Earl thank you so much!
So sorry I'm late.
I hope Liz had a wonderful birthday! She sounds like an amazing woman. :)
Oh Happy Birthday! What a great kid you have, and you are both so lucky to be their for each other.
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