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Monday, May 04, 2009

Nesting Frenzy

Totally unrelated really cool, really old building in Glens Falls NY

We got the 4490 back last week and it has barely sat still a minute since.
Field work frenzy you might say.
Anyhow, the oil gets checked in a tractor working that hard.
Despite this when the boss checked the oil yesterday morning a bird had built a nest on the cap of the dip stick thingie.


lisa said...

That is a neat building. I love the growing season and watching all the farmers out in the field doing dirt work.

Teri said...

And the bird is now where?!
Very cool building.

dickiebo said...

Looks quite new to me! lol.

Jinglebob said...

Dip stick thingy", hey don't be talkin' so technical. Us dumb ol' cowboys and ranchers don't understand!



threecollie said...

LIsa, this is my favorite time of year, no question about it.

Teri, it could be anywhere. No idea whether it did the nest thing up in the field or down by the barn. it was no where around anyhow.

dickiebo, all things being relative, yeah, comparatively. lol

JB, sorry, I meant the whatchamacallit, but you knew that didn't you? (Also called the thingumabob in some circles.)

R.Powers said...

LOL! I need to read the captions! I kept trying to figure out WHAT did that pic have to do with the post!

joated said...

Heck, the engine was probably still warm and considering the way the temperature plummeted after that very brief heat wave a little over a week ago, the bird probably thought it would be wise to have a heated home.

threecollie said...

FC, lol, it's like this...I took a lot of pics over the weekend, but now that we are rolling into spring work, the camera is languishing on the desk where it lives....no time...no time...

Joated, crazy, isn't it! Hot by afternoon, but I have to keep a fire in the stove and turn the heat up in the morning!