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Saturday, May 02, 2009

Speaking of Phone Calls

Donnie Gay at Glens Falls NY PBR
Photo by Liz at

I got a really cool one last night. Liz drove up to Glens Falls for the PBR, I think Enterprise Tour, event there. First, like the thoughtful person she usually is, she called me when she arrived (after getting lost, I understand, something like four times). Then she called to tell me that her row three seat was actually the front row right by the chutes.

Then she called from the arena. The din was uproarious and I could barely make out what she was saying. A garbled something something about the guy who was introducing the event. I could hear an announcer in the background, but between the phone and the echo in the arena I couldn't recognize his voice or understand just what he was saying.

Had I been able to hear his voice though I certainly would have recognized it. When Liz was a colicky little baby and we were young, broke, and living in a four-room Adirondack cabin, with no indoor plumbing, we did have TV. Since we got home late from milking here at the farm every night we ended up watching just two things while we walked the floor with her sobbing, jerking, screaming little self night after night.

Those things were Mets baseball and Mesquite Rodeo. (Check out 1986...guess who won it all that year.)
And I guess it is no wonder she loves rodeo today, as, if and when she ever fell asleep at night back in the day when she took up about a football's worth of space in my arms, it was to the sound of the guy she met last night, announcing the likes of Monty Henson and Joe Beaver back when they were riding.

Yep, she even got me an autograph when she talked to him a while last night. The announcer for the show was as well-known as any of the bulls or riders, the one and only Donnie Gay.

She promised to take a real good picture for me to post here so I will add that later, cause I don't want to wake her up. Okay...it is up there now. Thanks Liz

And tonight, I get to go too!!


Tina Marie the Willow Witch said...

OH, MAN! have fun... I love the rodeo, beleive me I already checked its a 4 and half hour drive for me and I would have to be back by 6:30am to get one of the kids to work, or I just might have seen you there, maybe next time. Rats!

Deb said...

That's very cool - like Liz I grew up with "Donnie Gay". My Dad has always been an avid rodeo fan and we always watched it on tv (we only got 1 channel :) and have been to a few live shows. I'm a big Ty Murray fan myself :)

Hope you have a wonderful time tonight! Relax and enjoy :)

Anonymous said...

have a wonderful time...you guys (or girls) deserve it! we want lots of pic's too ;)

Throwback at Trapper Creek said...

What a great story! You have to post more after you go tonight.

Deb - I hope your watching Dancing with the Stars - Ty is doing pretty good! We've probably watched his team tango on YouTube 15 times since Tuesday :)

joated said...

What a great story! Is Lizzie hooked on Gay's voice like a duckling to its momma's quack? Did she recognize the voice first or the name?

On a side note: Think you could have another colicky kid so the Mets could win it all again? (A grandchild?) The Mets could use the help.

The Wife said...

Very cool. I remember the first time the Husband took me to the Mesquite Rodeo. Quite the adventure.

Have fun tonight!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the outing. I heeled calves off a horse that Joe Beaver once roped off............and the world gets smaller.

lisa said...

I hope you had fun tonight with liz. She is soooo lucky to have gotten Donnie's auto and pic. Happy for her wish I could of went with you.

threecollie said...

WW, wish you could have gone. It wasn't exactly Built Ford Tough, but it was fun

Deb, I didn't get to meet him because I didn't want to stand in the autograph line, but it was fun to hear him announce the show

Anon, thanks, took quite a few, although it was pretty dark in there. I am sure Liz will put up a bunch soon

Nita, it was fun

Joated, she says she recognized his voice as soon as he started talking...however, no colicky babies just at this point, lol, the Mets are on their own this year!

The Wife, thanks, that is really cool that you got to go!

LInda, that is really cool! Isn't it a small world? Thanks

LIsa, one of these times we will have to meet up. We always buy the darned tickets so spur of the moment, the minute sales open that i never get to ask if you want in on it.